Trying to get a rescued veiled settled in


Established Member
A couple days ago I was looking on Craigslist list and someone was giving a baby veiled away. I contacted them and went and looked at her. The man said he thought she was blind. Every time he or his son would go around her she would have her eyes closed and wasn't eating. She wasn't responsive to them. Well while I was there I witnessed the son come in the room and go to her cage and start poking her. The father acted like there was nothing wrong with that. I ended up getting her out and the father left the room to go get his son something as soon as both were out of the room she started looking around and responding so I ended up taking her home. I added more greenery to her cage and anything else to make her more comfortable. She's now eating and going over to her dripper. Can y'all make any other suggestions on making her more comfy to get her settled in other than the quiet and what I've already done. I felt sorry for her when I saw what was going on
It's good that you rescued it!

If you answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum we can tell you if the husbandry is right.
If it is a female it could produce eggs so as it approaches sexual maturity you need to make sure you aren't overfeeding it constantly,etc and provide a proper place IN it's cage for it to dig so you will know it's going to lay eggs or it could become eggbound.
Really my question was how to work with her to get her over the fear from the abuse she was going through. I have temp gradients set up in her cage going from 80-85 and others in the lower to mid 70s humidity I have issues in my house with it do to that I mist frequently. I have 9 other chameleons I'm just worried about long term affects from the stress and abuse she had. She's maybe 3 months old so she won't need a dig box immediately. I was just hoping to get some insight on weather or not she can get over what happened.
No problem...if that's all you need...didn't realize that you had lots of experience with chameleons already...

Move jerky movements... don't push her to sit on you..let her get used to your hand being around a little at a time...hand feed her some of the insects.. Hopefully she will soon trust you.
I will say I've had her for 3 days now. Today I got her out just to do a look over to see if colors looked better and they do. I was surprised by the fact that she wrapped her tail around my finger laid her head down and went to sleep. She didn't want to get off my finger to go back in her cage. So I thought that was a huge step in the right direction. I just can't see how parents can think that a child poking a tiny creature like her is acceptable behavior. I'm dumb founded all of my children know I catch them doing something like that and they are in huge trouble. My twelve year old won't get one out without asking me if it's ok to do so. And the babies I have from my Jackson's pair the kids won't touch if they notice they need something they come get me. I'm in shock over how the parents acted about the whole situation.
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