Tips and trics for my pygmees


New Member
After being a proud owner of my beautiful pardalis bob, i wanna move up to a even bigger challenge, pygmees,
ive been digging about em for a month or so, and am really doubting these three cuties

Rhampoleon viridis, these guys look the coolest to me,
rhampoleon spinoses, look cool and spiky as well,
rhampoleon brevicaudatus, are cheaper and more known in the chameleon keepers world,

Can you guys help me decide which one ill be caring for? it'll be a couple. not intended for breeding but just for fun,

Tips and trics on enclosures and caring are always welcome.
Pygmies are probably going to breed whether you want them to or not, unless you only get females. You keep them together and two males cannot be kept together in anything under 75 gallons.
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