The Question Game

Rollerblade. The skates are kind of dorky to me, and it's harder for me to go super fast on skates. :D

Pirates or ninjas? LMFAO

Ninjas man.

I was a ninja for halloween once.

We throw stars... etc.

Pirates have dorky swords, and cannons..

Although they do have a PArrot... Hmm

Im gonna go with Ninjas.

Whats your favourite shoe brand? (NIKE) :)
Rollerblade. The skates are kind of dorky to me, and it's harder for me to go super fast on skates. :D

Pirates or ninjas? LMFAO

Ill take Ninjas... cause they prolly won't be able to take my boat since ninjas can't swim:p

would you eat a cricket or a roach (you can choose your supplement to alter taste if you like)
Hmm, I've already eaten a cricket so I'll have to say roach. They don't taste like much, but they can bite. Ouch.


Would you rather hold a tarantula or a scorpion? (keep in mind that they do not remove the poison sacks from either one)

Would you rather eat wings or pizza?

Can I say Wing Pizza?:) Nah I have to go with wings.... mmmm spicy goodness.

If you were going to be shot with a pistol (non fatally)... And you could choose where on your body to take the shot, Where would it be?
Probably my left arm. There's already a ton of scars on it, why not add anther LMFAO!!!

Pudding or Jello?
MP3/cd's because you can always add stuff you like, and not have to hear the same crap every 5 minutes LOL!

Soda or Coffee?
Fruit! Vegtables have minds of their own and come alive when they think you aren't looking.

Would you rather be posessed or hypnotized?
Fruit! Vegtables have minds of their own and come alive when they think you aren't looking.

Would you rather be posessed or hypnotized?

possessed has worked for me so far... and my possessee doesn't like change. so I guess i'd rather be possessed.

iPod or some lower class EP3 player? :D
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