The Dreaded Box of...........



I feel for you. I finally broke down after my last cricket escape last night and ordered a box of nymphs. I will get them on Saturday, and hopefully I won't scream like a girl when I see them. I hate crickets!!!!
So after having my boy for a year and just getting my daughter a little girl I am going to try the nasty icky creepy little things.

You are so right. Feeder. Tongs.

We shall find out tomorrow, as that is food day for everybody. no one gets fed everyday. nobody will eat everyday.
and they came after lights out. thankfully.

I told the hubby they were worms. lol. ;) Shhhhh!
they go limp? intersting.. we shall see.... when i work up the nerve to touch one. :D

You have to get a feel for handling them, same as you have to do with crickets, or even a chameleon. Once you learn to anticipate their actions, handling is no problem. Just like crickets, sometimes they are hyper, and sometimes they just sit there and take it lol. (9/10 they are just going to be still, and you may have to give it a little pat on the back, so it will move and get the chams interest)

Start with handling the smaller ones, and move up to the creepy ones ;)

You will get fed up of being creeped by them, and Im sure youll be tossing them around like a pro in no time ;)

I feel for you. I finally broke down after my last cricket escape last night and ordered a box of nymphs. I will get them on Saturday, and hopefully I won't scream like a girl when I see them. I hate crickets!!!!
So after having my boy for a year and just getting my daughter a little girl I am going to try the nasty icky creepy little things.

You are so right. Feeder. Tongs.


yea thats why i got some. I had 200+ crickets escape from my bins. large chirping crickets everywhere!!!
You have to get a feel for handling them, same as you have to do with crickets, or even a chameleon. Once you learn to anticipate their actions, handling is no problem. Just like crickets, sometimes they are hyper, and sometimes they just sit there and take it lol. (9/10 they are just going to be still, and you may have to give it a little pat on the back, so it will move and get the chams interest)

Start with handling the smaller ones, and move up to the creepy ones ;)

You will get fed up of being creeped by them, and Im sure youll be tossing them around like a pro in no time ;)

ill probably continue to keep some crickest, and put a couple in to get them going.

smell it, smell it, now take it! [I hope you get that reference]
did you offer any yet?

i put a couple in kermits cage this morning before i left for work. so hopefully they are gone when i get home. the rest havent gotten any yet, ebcause i havent gotten their food cup set up yet, so i hold the cups while htey eat.
i put a couple in kermits cage this morning before i left for work. so hopefully they are gone when i get home. the rest havent gotten any yet, ebcause i havent gotten their food cup set up yet, so i hold the cups while htey eat.

You free-ranged them in Kermit's cage, or cup?
they are in a cup. im still trying to convince him to cup feed.

the crickets and other bus i free range.

I WILL NOT free range the roaches!!

lmao, ok. Well i would say toss in a superworm to disturbe them and keep them moving and active( one downside to Dubias is that they sill sit still quite a bit. My Chams have learned this and will pick them off even if they are not moving. But they also picked up the bad habit of trying to eat their own poo, for noww obvious reasons). But i'm sure your Hoe is still too small for supers. Will he hand/thong feed?
lmao, ok. Well i would say toss in a superworm to disturbe them and keep them moving and active( one downside to Dubias is that they sill sit still quite a bit. My Chams have learned this and will pick them off even if they are not moving. But they also picked up the bad habit of trying to eat their own poo, for noww obvious reasons). But i'm sure your Hoe is still too small for supers. Will he hand/thong feed?

actually he takes on the smaller supers.
i put a few crickest in it too to get them moving around.

he wont hand or tong feed, yet. but we are working on it.

im going to get a big tub, like waht my hornworms are pupating in rght now (not sure if you saw)

and put that in his cage, that way, its like fr food, but not quite.

looks like a plastic shoe box.
I don't care how messed up this sounds, but I'm actually very jealous that you can even have those roaches ... they are illegal here in Alberta :(
I don't care how messed up this sounds, but I'm actually very jealous that you can even have those roaches ... they are illegal here in Alberta :(

haha! i probably shouldnt really, as im in an apt building.. but what they dont know, wont hurt me.

all roaches?
actually he takes on the smaller supers.
i put a few crickest in it too to get them moving around.

he wont hand or tong feed, yet. but we are working on it.

im going to get a big tub, like waht my hornworms are pupating in rght now (not sure if you saw)

and put that in his cage, that way, its like fr food, but not quite.

looks like a plastic shoe box.

yea , sorta like this
Sweetness, I am excited for you! haha i just undertook Intentional Cricket breeding. haha God they smell..

I want to do roaches soon but need the space!

Try using white roaches. I've never had a chameleon refuse a white or light grey roach! They just can't refuse them for some reason. That's how I get picky babies and adults to take them. That and I flip them on their back so they kick their legs around. If you put them on a spoon they have a really hard time flipping back over without help.

Try only tub-feeding for a while and he might figure out that anything that moves in there is food.
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