

New Member
Thanks for all the help you guys gave me when I first started this journey 5 years ago. I would have never imagined that I would have made it this long with my girl Kush, but we did. She's a lot older now and I know whats coming, but I'm thankful that all of the people that ever posted in those starter threads I made did post because without those people I probably wouldn't have gotten to this point. I've learned so much over the past 5 years I can now say that thanks to this forum my cham has lived longer then it probably would have without it.

Thanks for all of this

Congrats to you for keeping her alive for 5 years. What's your secret? Does she lay eggs? Ever had a fertile clutch?
that's what I love about this website - every question is honored with an answer and there's no better source of information about those little critters than this one. I, too, would be lost without this place :)
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