

New Member
so I'm pretty excited, right now my mom had a good idea today. i have my whole foot covered with a cherry blossom tree branch type thing and i have a whole branch plain with nothing on it so whats the best thing to do ADD A CHAMELEON :) I'm going to go talk to my tattoo artist soon because i need a desperate touch ups anyways. i just wanted to share my excitement haha. what is your guys input on it? any suggestions?! thanks :)
Isn't that supposed to be extremely sensitive? Ouch!

oh yes! i have my whole entire foot covered it sucked bad but after awhile you just loose the feeling in your foot lol and i still have the picture from where i first got it and how badly swollen it was! my toes look like little piggys haha
My girlfriend has a chameleon tattoo on her foot It's in cartoon style. I did it. I would suggest personally If you want a great level of detail and to stay bright to I would advise somewhere else bein in the biz for 12 years has shown me that most times not always that the food fades faster due to constant skin regeneration and as far as pain goes it depends on the persons pain tolerance
Oh just re read your post so im assuming the branch will come up your leg and have the cham on your leg if so that will rock
yeah haha i was going have a branch added going up my leg and then add more flowers then add him on the branch somewhere. i will make this work somehow. i want vibrant colors so he will stand out. maybe if your not busy you could help me out :)
My daughter has a large gecko on her foot. I personally don't like it! She got it on her own at 18 cause I would never sign the consent for a tattoo. It is cute and all but she is 19 and I want to know when she is 30 and going to an elegant affair how classy is that going to look with a pair of Strappy shoes that exposes the tattoo? I am not a fan of tattoos at ALL. Just my opinion. so I say no, but you already got the cherry blossom so I guess it does not matter.
Depends, some feel like if you bit it, you can use scissors, scalpel, or if you have a large piercing already they tie a tight string u dont feel that over a few weeks gradually splits it, with the string it rarely closes back up.
I know this law is different for some states but in most states there is no consent for tattoos anyway. The human body usually is still developing so if the person gets a tattoo and hits a growth spurt it can actually throw off the position of the design and even distort it. Also most people even some past 18 honestly do not have enough maturity about them to make a permanent decision.

I am pro tattoo as I am sleeved so I have to say that in my "opinion" a tattoo can be classy. It depends on the location, size, and subject matter of the tattoo. I personally could care less what people think about me and if it was a situation where I felt my ink would jepordize a financial gain for me I would simply cover it up. Also they have very effective makeup now that can cover up tattoos its like a strong foundation that is not transparent and match to your skin tone.

so all the reasons you just gave are things that can easily be worked around.

My daughter has a large gecko on her foot. I personally don't like it! She got it on her own at 18 cause I would never sign the consent for a tattoo. It is cute and all but she is 19 and I want to know when she is 30 and going to an elegant affair how classy is that going to look with a pair of Strappy shoes that exposes the tattoo? I am not a fan of tattoos at ALL. Just my opinion. so I say no, but you already got the cherry blossom so I guess it does not matter.
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