Swoll Feet?


New Member
These are pictures of my 2 year old female ambilobe. Her bac right foot has some crust around the nail and it is a little swollen. I do not have the money to go to a vet but my brother works at a reptile shop and has antibiotics for different cases. Should I clean this foot with anything besides water? Should I give her oral antibiotics? Should I sterilize her cage? Anything advice will help.


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Could you compare it to the other foot? Perhaps she got it caught on something, maybe you need more sizes of vines etc.
It looks like its infected. It needs to be properly cleaned out by a vet, a culture done of the exudate to see what antibiotic the chameleon needs to be on. These infections often return...so its important that it be treated properly. It can spread throughout the system and kill the chameleon...so please take it to a vet. If you talk to the vet he may let you make payments.
I am going to agree with Linda. I think the foot is infected. You should see a vet so it doesn't spread.

She prolly got a nail stuck in the screen and ripped a nail out. :(
This looks pretty badly infected. I would definitely take that chameleon to a vet. As the others have said, that may spread. The vet may also have to drain that foot.
Thank you for the vet advice. I do not have the money to spend on taking it to a vet does anyone recommend a certain sterile wash/ cleaing solution? how about any names of ointments for infected nails? I know the foot is infected and I will do my best to make sure she survives this obsticle.
If you can't afford a vet you need to give it up. Plain and simple. Some vets offer payment programs. Tell me where you live and I will give you the name of some vets.
Thank you for the vet advice. I do not have the money to spend on taking it to a vet does anyone recommend a certain sterile wash/ cleaing solution? how about any names of ointments for infected nails? I know the foot is infected and I will do my best to make sure she survives this obsticle.

I just lost a female Jackson to an infection that spread through her as a result of a nail pulled out on the foot. By the time I took her to the vet and began treatment it was too late. I tried to lance it, keep it clean, but like kinyonga said it came back. We had her on some meds but by then she was not eating on her own. It can be a killer and needs to be treated seriously.

She really needs to go to the vet and be placed on the proper antibiotics.
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Putting something topical on it won't kill off the bacteria deep inside.
Cutting into the foot to clean it out will likely spread the infection unless the chameleon is put on oral/injected antibiotics. If you don't do a culture and sensitivity test you won't know what bacteria your chameleon has in the infected area so you might not be giving the right antibiotic and the infection will have the opportunity to spread. You need a vet. When you get a pet you take on the responsibility of its care. If you can't look after it properly, then it would be best to look for a rescue in your area that you can give it to.
If you can't afford a vet you need to give it up. Plain and simple. Some vets offer payment programs. Tell me where you live and I will give you the name of some vets.

I know all vets located in Gainesville. Thank you for the concern but I guess I will just research this information for myself. Next time some one has a post regarding a swoll foot I will have a cheap reasonable way to fix the problem and share it with forum members insted of posting see a vet which will cost minimum $150.
The swollen foot, if not treated, can spread and infect other areas. In the end, amputation might be your only choice.
I think 150 dollars is a better investment than losing a 350 dollars worth of animal, if you are more into money matters than everything else.

I am all for saving money in this economy crisis; but, not to the expense of the animal's life.
Do you have a veterinary friends? What about your brother's reptile shop? They might know a vet who might be able to help knowing the extend of the case and your financial problem.
So you're saying you'd rather save a few bucks and lose a friend rather than spend it and save your friend? :\

I don't think this is something that can be fixed by some topical solution or cream. It's best you take it to the vet..
When you first try to clean it out on your own if you do decide to treat it on your own, it may look like you have succeeded and your chameleon will likely appear to be healthy...for a while....but I doubt that it will work for long.

Also, if you cause your chameleon enough pain trying to do it on your own, your chameleon may crash.
My research tells me that if I use Iodine and clean properly she will be fine.:) I will post pictures when her foot is back to normal.
My research tells me that if I use Iodine and clean properly she will be fine.:) I will post pictures when her foot is back to normal.

I hope this works out for you and i mean that. Good luck with that but its not what i would of done. Hope she pulls threw tho.
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