

New Member
im using nutrobal, its a calcium balancer and multivitamin with d3. is ok for my veiled chameleon?
been using this twice a month. shes doing really well just want to be sure.
im not farmiliar with this product, but you might want to get just calcium powder and use it atleast 3 times a week. And then also use the d3 and multi vitamin twice a month.
im not farmiliar with this product, but you might want to get just calcium powder and use it atleast 3 times a week. And then also use the d3 and multi vitamin twice a month.

i am using just plain calcium with ever feeding. what im saying is i got nutrobal which says it a calcium balancer with multivitamin and d3 all in one, and im using this twice a month.
i wouldnt use it more than once twice a month, as its a multivitamin and calcium with d3 all in one.
I have never heard of this stuff.
Is it like Repashy "all in one" Calcium Plus?

yes, essentially the same idea. There are many "all in one" type products.

Nutobol, per gram contains: 200mg calcium, 150IU D3 plus vitamins A, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, folic, nicotinic & pantothenic acids, biotin, choline, niacin and minerals Na, Fe, Co, I, Mn, Zn, Se and Cu.
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yes, essentially the same idea. There are many "all in one" type products.

Nutobol, per gram contains: 200mg calcium, 150IU D3 plus vitamins A, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, folic, nicotinic & pantothenic acids, biotin, choline, niacin and minerals Na, Fe, Co, I, Mn, Zn, Se and Cu.

its spelt nutrobal.
That depends on what feeders you use, how you gutload, whether the animal goes outside in real sunlight, whether or not you use UVB tubes....

i use locusts and wax worms. i gutload with veg and fruit. i live in the uk which doesnt get that hot even in the summer so i would say 10 times max a year. i use arcadia 12% tube as ive got a screened flexarium.
is this ok sandra with what im doing? nutrobal twice a month??

Hi - sorry for the delay in responding
If you are gutloading those locust really well, yes twice a month is on the low side of sufficient. three times a month might be better. Better yet, you'd be safer if you could add in another feeder choice that can also be gutloaded (roaches, crickets, silkworms...). Waxworms are essentially usless, nutrition wise - just providing fat (I dont recommend offering them at all, really).

some info on gutloading (you probably know all this, but cant hurt):
ok thanks for your reply. so you think three times a month for the nutrobal? so if i give her crickets and locusts well gut loaded will that will be ok? shall i stop feeding her wax worms?
what about fruit beetles are the full of fat?
would mario worms, which i think are super worms be ok well gut loaded?? i live in the uk and i think they name them different over here?
ok i found out that mario worms are another name for super worms.
so im thinking superworms, crickets, and locusts for her diet and to stop with the wax worms ( which was only a treat)
three times a month with nutrobal.
does this sound ok? and what about fruit beetles?
lol sorry i keep asking so many questions, i just want the best for her. thanks for helping.
ok i found out that mario worms are another name for super worms.
so im thinking superworms, crickets, and locusts for her diet and to stop with the wax worms ( which was only a treat)
three times a month with nutrobal.
does this sound ok? and what about fruit beetles?
lol sorry i keep asking so many questions, i just want the best for her. thanks for helping.

Dont appologize - I LOVE people who care enough to ask questions.

I think your plan is a good one. A few superworms, lots of locust and crickets, a few fruit beetles and even the occassional wasworm as a treat. Nutrobol 2 or 3 times a month. Sounds good to me!
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