superworms..can i gut load them?

Tandra Lee

New Member
hi,wondering if i can gutload my super worms? and if so what with? will they eat fruits and veggies and a dry feed as well? just curious as i have some for treats (not for me..for my chams hahahah):D
I had bought a cup of superworms, and put some collard greens on the top... within 30 minutes they were all at the top munching away...

So just place a small amount of gutload in the container and see what happens!
thank you i will try and see what happens,i am still wondering about other things they can eat..but i appreciate your response:)
Yes they can be gut loaded with everything you give to crickets. I actually keep mine in a cup of my dry gut load instead of the bran stuff they come in and throw in greens and fruit on the top. I take out the fruit when it gets gross but leave the greens in because it dries up and then becomes part of the dry mix. The link in my signature has nutritional info on commonly available fruits and veggies if you want some ideas for what to use! :)
Supers are one of the only worms that can be gutloaded. You can feed them basically everything you feed your crickets.
Supers are one of the only worms that can be gutloaded. You can feed them basically everything you feed your crickets.

I agree.
carrots, slices of orange, and plenty of healthy greens is what I feed mine.
mine don't seem to like strawberrys or blueberries though.

You know I have noticed some insects can be pickey. Even just from batch to batch. Some can be pickey. Thats weird and funny.
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