Substrate too soak up water?


New Member
I'm having troubles latley with my cage and water its a 65 gallon flexaruim and even with the flex tray it gets nasty quick and I put paper towel in the too but it just soaks real quick lol I was thinking of putting puppy pads? Any ideas or suggestions would be awesome
I'm not familiar with your cage or the flextray. But, if there's a way to use some sort or drain with a hose or pvc pipe to drain into a bucket, that would be the easiest way to go. Some people have used puppy pads, but I'd imagine they'd get expensive over time. I have my two panther cages hooked up to sink drains that drain into a bucket. It's the easiest way I've been able to find. If you look around in the drainage thread, there are a lot of different ways to do it. :)
puppy pads would get expensive
try big not to fluffly (short loop) bath towels or bath mats (perhaps brown or green) - you can change out the towel every couple days. shake off the poop and toss in the laundry washer to sanitize between uses.
I would try and buy a cheap metal rack and place the cage on top of it, and buy a bucket to put underneath. Then make some sort of drainage system to get the water into the bucket. Way easier than changing out a towel and it's much cleaner.
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