Starting to shed?


I have a 3-4 month old veiled chameleon, most likely looking like a female so far. I’ve had her about a month and haven't seen her shed yet. She’s been healthy, eating well and drinking, moves around the cage and enjoys being high up and basking mostly but this morning I noticed she’s turning white around her eye. She moves the eye around can see, is acting fine but I’ve never seen this before. My other reptiles turned lighter as they were about to shed but it was much more obvious that it was shedding skin. Is that what this is or should I call the vet?
Thanks! Being around her eyes I got nervous because they are so sensitive and I’m still new to chams! I’ll keep reading older threads though this site has been amazing!
Thanks! Being around her eyes I got nervous because they are so sensitive and I’m still new to chams! I’ll keep reading older threads though this site has been amazing!
The skin around their eyes probably sees more (constant) flexing/movement than anywhere else, so it doesn't surprise me if sheds begin there, or are more often there.

Mine had a little string of shed that stuck in the crease of his eye for a week or so, but it didn't seem to bother him, and it eventually worked its way out.

Chameleons are dry shedders, so if there are any problems, extra misting is not usually the solution.
They've been doing this for 65 million years or so, so we need to allow them to; they know what they're doing. ;)
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