Sprained Ankle

Uric acid is found in all living things. It is found in high concentration in animals and for the most part in lesser concentration in plants. Other things that can also impact this (in humans) is liver function, kidney function, obesity, and/or dehydration.

The solution for humans are avoidance of those food sources, good hydration, and exercise. Monitor food intake amount too.

Hope that helps...
Obesity (puts a heavy load on the kidneys), some medications, kidney problems (resulting in under-elimination of purines), build up of purines (found at high levels in proteins, etc.) can all contribute to uric acid build-up...and gout. I may have missed a few things.
just for an update, i have consulted with the herp vet in a city near by, about 2 hours away.. and they havent replied - letting me down for a second time.(the first time was with a past cham. who got MBD - and he wouldnt come to an emergency call) thats why i am going to the vet i am going to now. so for now i will take care of a sprained ankle, i am trying to "rehab" it slowly and gently, and have increase the amount of water he is getting. other than that - i hope everything goes okay. :)
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