I will be getting a chameleon soon and would like to do my homework before accepting the responsibility of a live animal.
1. I'm getting either a panther or a veiled. I'm leaning twards panther beceause of the brighter colors, but I have heard veilds are easier to take care of. How much easier are veilds to take care of than panthers?
2. I know a dark chameleon is an irritated chameleon, are there any other color changes I should know about? Do Panthers change colors like the veilds do?
3. I know chameleons do not like to be held but are able to get used to it. How would you acclimate your chameleon to being handled? Do you just pick it up as much as possible like a snake? I know hand feeding them helps aswell. When my chameleon is fully acclimated to being handled, how often would I be able to handle him without irritating him?
4. Just how easily would a panther chameleon die? Would it drop dead if I didn't feed it enough for a week, or would the stress of me picking it up all the time kill it? A friend of mine had three baby veilds and they died after a year beceause he only fed them once a week, which seems to me like they are pretty hardy on the feeding deal if I were to accidently miss a day. This overall question is my biggest concern.
5. What is the hardiest/least toxic/best plant to put in with my chameleon?
1. I'm getting either a panther or a veiled. I'm leaning twards panther beceause of the brighter colors, but I have heard veilds are easier to take care of. How much easier are veilds to take care of than panthers?
2. I know a dark chameleon is an irritated chameleon, are there any other color changes I should know about? Do Panthers change colors like the veilds do?
3. I know chameleons do not like to be held but are able to get used to it. How would you acclimate your chameleon to being handled? Do you just pick it up as much as possible like a snake? I know hand feeding them helps aswell. When my chameleon is fully acclimated to being handled, how often would I be able to handle him without irritating him?
4. Just how easily would a panther chameleon die? Would it drop dead if I didn't feed it enough for a week, or would the stress of me picking it up all the time kill it? A friend of mine had three baby veilds and they died after a year beceause he only fed them once a week, which seems to me like they are pretty hardy on the feeding deal if I were to accidently miss a day. This overall question is my biggest concern.
5. What is the hardiest/least toxic/best plant to put in with my chameleon?