jeff138 New Member May 4, 2011 #1 just a few pics of my veiled Sid his personality is way out there for sure one of the more interesting chameleons we own Attachments 223152_218573641487183_100000036473006_885024_6513599_n.jpg 64.9 KB · Views: 154 228014_218573684820512_100000036473006_885025_3900549_n.jpg 82.4 KB · Views: 112
just a few pics of my veiled Sid his personality is way out there for sure one of the more interesting chameleons we own
Dez Chamalot Chameleons May 4, 2011 #5 He looks like he has a lot of character . He is very handsome and colorful.
ken2414 Established Member May 4, 2011 #6 the first picture is funny haha. idk why jusst his posture.