slugs in cham cage??


New Member
so recently i have discovered small slugs in my cham cage crawling up the sides of the plant pot. i believe they are coming out of the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot, but how did they get there? i haven't had this plant outdoors. i have removed quite a few in the past week and was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. i don't think my cham is eating them, since i only found them towards the very bottom of the cage where he never ventures, but i think maybe a fecal is in order anyway. this leads me to another question: what is the best way to collects poop for a fecal? does the poop need to be super fresh, or can i just collect one when i find it? does it need to be stored in the fridge or freezer before i take it in?
fresher the better! Just put in a wet paper towel inside of a baggie and store in the fridge until you go to the vet. If you can just get one and go straight to the vet that would be best, but may be also impossible to get timing like that! i dont think they can do a fecal off a poop that is all dried up!
I've had slugs appear seemingly out of nowhere in planted vivariums. They probably came in the soil and/or plants and were always present, but went unnoticed until their numbers increased to the level that they became obvious. Maybe try adding a drainage layer to your potted plants, a few inches of washed gravel or some hydro-tron pellets. A quick draining soil, like a coco-husk/sand mix may also help by eliminating the conditions they seem to thrive in. Slugs seem to like areas where the soil holds moisture and never really dries.
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