Sleeping alot

You said…”She free eats for 3 more months my vet is one of 12 in the US for some sort of exotic license she told me bc she was a juvenile that I could continue until she hit a yr she also said she was n the weight range she should be in“…never heard of there only being 12 vets with some special exotics degree…what’s the degree called?
As for the eating, if she’s fed too much as she is approaching sexual maturity, she will likely produce a large clutch of eggs and likely develop follicular stasis and/or egg binding and could die for it. To prevent this from happening it’s recommended that female veiled be put on a “diet” and the temperatures kept at or below 80F toprevenr this from happening.

You said…”I recently found out the colors she's showing are receptive colors so I've been giving her a lil more d3 incase she is making eggs rn she has absolutely NO LUMPS at all that are showing so my vet doesn't want to xray until they are visible and if she does become egg bound we will spay“…from the time the female starts showing the receptive colours it’s usually only 30 to 40 days until the eggs are laid. Why would you increase the D3? D3 and calcium (and phos and vitamin A) need to be in balance and D3 from supplements can build up in the system and lead to health issues…as can preformed vitamin A…so we are careful with them. How often have you been using the D3 up until now?

You said…”She has a 10 inch egg lay bin with washed play sand organic soil mix and a bio active tank with live and fake cover and plants“…I would get rid of the fake plants to be sure she can’t eat any and become impacted.

You said…”I'm just worried bc she has been sleeping in till 12 pm everyday which is 6 hrs past her normal wake up time....once she's awake she's very active but not eating as much and crawling EVERYWHERE”…she could be looking for a place to lay eggs. I’m concerned with the sleeping during the day though.

One more concern for now, if she starts to go down hill…becomes lethargic, sits low in the cage, etc, get her to a vet asap before it’s too late to help her.
Will have to find
You said…”She free eats for 3 more months my vet is one of 12 in the US for some sort of exotic license she told me bc she was a juvenile that I could continue until she hit a yr she also said she was n the weight range she should be in“…never heard of there only being 12 vets with some special exotics degree…what’s the degree called?
As for the eating, if she’s fed too much as she is approaching sexual maturity, she will likely produce a large clutch of eggs and likely develop follicular stasis and/or egg binding and could die for it. To prevent this from happening it’s recommended that female veiled be put on a “diet” and the temperatures kept at or below 80F toprevenr this from happening.

You said…”I recently found out the colors she's showing are receptive colors so I've been giving her a lil more d3 incase she is making eggs rn she has absolutely NO LUMPS at all that are showing so my vet doesn't want to xray until they are visible and if she does become egg bound we will spay“…from the time the female starts showing the receptive colours it’s usually only 30 to 40 days until the eggs are laid. Why would you increase the D3? D3 and calcium (and phos and vitamin A) need to be in balance and D3 from supplements can build up in the system and lead to health issues…as can preformed vitamin A…so we are careful with them. How often have you been using the D3 up until now?

You said…”She has a 10 inch egg lay bin with washed play sand organic soil mix and a bio active tank with live and fake cover and plants“…I would get rid of the fake plants to be sure she can’t eat any and become impacted.

You said…”I'm just worried bc she has been sleeping in till 12 pm everyday which is 6 hrs past her normal wake up time....once she's awake she's very active but not eating as much and crawling EVERYWHERE”…she could be looking for a place to lay eggs. I’m concerned with the sleeping during the day though.

One more concern for now, if she starts to go down hill…becomes lethargic, sits low in the cage, etc, get her to a vet asap before it’s too late to help her.


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Will have to find
Will have to find
As I stated before her basking temp is never over 80 to prevent large clutch
Will have to find
Her normal d3 is 1x monthly she's getting it 2x monthly now per vet. I've increased calcium without d3 to every feeding of crickets that I give every afternoon. I guess I'm just really trying to ask simple questions I'm very knowledged in cham care. I've just never went thru egg laying with females and I was really wanting to know the time frame and nobody could give it but your saying 30 to 40 days? That makes ne stop worrying so much its only been about 15 to 20 days
Hi. Why are there worm casings in your food dish with the crickets and superworms? What supplements are you using and how often for each?
There not castings there actual super worms and the shells are from blue bottle fly larvae but she gets crickets dusted everyday with calcium without d3
Hi Onnie, your husbandry is good She's a big beautiful girl the only thing I can think of is her schedule, how long do you run her lights? are they on timers? and when they shut off is the room completely dark? no lights left on in the room
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