Silly Chameleon


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Does anyone have a chameleon that goes to the door of his cage and stares at you endlessly until you open it up and let him out? Then when you do open the door crawls back into his cage so he can come out in a more "sneaky" way. Or if he is really jonesing to be out all but jumps onto your arm, then stands on his back legs like he wants to give you a hug only to grab you by the nose and crawl up to the top of your head, survey the room, then crawl down your back to do his own thing? Let's not even talk about the crazy ninja tricks he'll do for a hornworm lol.
Does anyone have a chameleon that goes to the door of his cage and stares at you endlessly until you open it up and let him out? Then when you do open the door crawls back into his cage so he can come out in a more "sneaky" way. Or if he is really jonesing to be out all but jumps onto your arm, then stands on his back legs like he wants to give you a hug only to grab you by the nose and crawl up to the top of your head, survey the room, then crawl down your back to do his own thing? Let's not even talk about the crazy ninja tricks he'll do for a hornworm lol.
Sounds like a barrel of cuteness and fun
Our Ambanja, Thor, goes on the cage of the door whenever I'm in the room & always wants to come out. Sometimes if I open the door before he gets to the screen he almost runs towards the front of the cage to come out :ROFLMAO: Also, when putting him back in his cage, I'll put my hand on one of the branches & he'll normally turn around and walk back up my hand. He is such a little character. Here he is just hanging on out my arm :love::love::love:

Our Ambanja, Thor, goes on the cage of the door whenever I'm in the room & always wants to come out. Sometimes if I open the door before he gets to the screen he almost runs towards the front of the cage to come out :ROFLMAO: Also, when putting him back in his cage, I'll put my hand on one of the branches & he'll normally turn around and walk back up my hand. He is such a little character. Here he is just hanging on out my arm :love::love::love:

Oh my gosh be still my heart, he's so cute. Tony is the opposite lol. If I put my arm on a branch he'll just sit there like "excuse me?" Or sometimes he'll go in but if he sees me closing the gate he'll make a u turn and come to the gate again. Here he is capturing the essence of a baby raptor


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patches female panther ,, she's mine,,,,,marley male vield he is for my daughter but I have to take care of both of them ,, daughter is 16 she has more important things to do LOL,,,,,i have them spoiled rotten :)


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Oh my gosh be still my heart, he's so cute. Tony is the opposite lol. If I put my arm on a branch he'll just sit there like "excuse me?" Or sometimes he'll go in but if he sees me closing the gate he'll make a u turn and come to the gate again. Here he is capturing the essence of a baby raptor
Thank you! He is quite something. When my boyfriend first bought him, I was a little unsure about owning chameleons, but I completely fell in love with them. We also have 2, one Panther and one Oustalet's. It's amazing to see how different their personalities are. We just got our Oustalet's 3 months ago so he's still adjusting to us and being handled, but is doing amazingly. Your chameleon is very beautiful, I love the red!

Here is our Panther, Thor, sleeping.

And here is our Oustalet's, Zeus, sleeping
patches female panther ,, she's mine,,,,,marley male vield he is for my daughter but I have to take care of both of them ,, daughter is 16 she has more important things to do LOL,,,,,i have them spoiled rotten :)

Both are absolutely lovely. But is it hard keeping two of a different species? Do they ever try to fight or mate?
Thank you! He is quite something. When my boyfriend first bought him, I was a little unsure about owning chameleons, but I completely fell in love with them. We also have 2, one Panther and one Oustalet's. It's amazing to see how different their personalities are. We just got our Oustalet's 3 months ago so he's still adjusting to us and being handled, but is doing amazingly. Your chameleon is very beautiful, I love the red!

Here is our Panther, Thor, sleeping.

And here is our Oustalet's, Zeus, sleeping

Thank you he is supposed to grow to be mostly red and that sort of teal blue color. However the other day in the sun is was like a cool yellow and orange with these really cool stripes. Based on the names Thor and Zeus is it fair to guess you guys are Greek mythology fans lol? Do they get along with each other? Or do you allow them to free roam at different times? Because I heard that some can't stand each other while I know of some that coexist very well and have no issue with each other. Also Zeus is super handsome. The first chameleon I had was my little cousins, she was 14 and a terrible owner and I used to feel sorry for the little guy. After his passing I was so distraught I had no idea how attached I'd got to him lol. Later I got Tony as a babe, I was so amazed, I had no idea they were born without color. So it was/is really amazing to see him grow.
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Thank you he is supposed to grow to be mostly red and that sort of teal blue color. However the other day in the sun is was like a cool yellow and orange with these really cool stripes. Based on the names Thor and Zeus is it fair to guess you guys are Greek mythology fans lol? Do they get along with each other? Or do you allow them to free roam at different times? Because I heard that some can't stand each other while I know of some that coexist very well and have no issue with each other. Also Zeus is super handsome. The first chameleon I had was my little cousins, she was 14 and a terrible owner and I used to feel sorry for the little guy. After his passing I was so distraught I had no idea how attached I'd got to him lol. Later I got Tony as a babe, I was so amazed, I had no idea they were born without color. So it was/is really amazing to see him grow.

That is amazing, I'm sure he will be a lovely chameleon! My boyfriend named both of the chameleons. He thought the Greek God names fit the chameleons perfectly. Zeus seems to be afraid of Thor, but Thor seems to think Zeus is a female and gets very excited when he sees Zeus. We tend to allow them to free roam at different times, but occasionally we will bring both of them out, as long as my boyfriend and I each watch one of them. We never bring them out when it's just one of us, god forbid anything happen. & thank you. The first chameleons we had was a pair of Pygmy's we bought about a year and a half ago and a Pet Expo. Sadly our male passed away in December and our female passed away in January. I was heart broken over both of the losses. We had bought Thor while they were still around, so having him made them passing a little easier. In February we decided to get another one, when we found Zeus. Zeus doesn't have much coloration yet, but also really won't since he's an Oustalet's and they're more black/white than bright colors like Panthers can be. The red on his side is becoming brighter and he also has it under his chin. We can't wait for him to get bigger and grow into his adult colors.

We have had Thor since he was just 3.5 months old and it is absolutely amazing to look back at the pictures of him to see how his colors have come out. All of the pictures below are of the same chameleon; the first one his him fired up when he was 3.5 months old (this is the picture that made us fall in love with him), the second picture is him when he was 3.5 months old but calm, and the third one is a picture I took of him in March when he was basking in the sun by the window.
Does anyone have a chameleon that goes to the door of his cage and stares at you endlessly until you open it up and let him out? Then when you do open the door crawls back into his cage so he can come out in a more "sneaky" way. Or if he is really jonesing to be out all but jumps onto your arm, then stands on his back legs like he wants to give you a hug only to grab you by the nose and crawl up to the top of your head, survey the room, then crawl down your back to do his own thing? Let's not even talk about the crazy ninja tricks he'll do for a hornworm lol.

My veiled Herbert will cling to the front or walk on the bottom and do laps. When I see him doing this, I know that he wants out. I simply just open the door for him and he either climbs up and hangs out on top of his cage or he climbs down and goes exploring in the living room. He normally walks down the cage to get to the ground, but every now and then he'll hang and drop to the floor as you'll see in this video. He's always doing something silly that makes my wife and I laugh and love him that much more.

That is amazing, I'm sure he will be a lovely chameleon! My boyfriend named both of the chameleons. He thought the Greek God names fit the chameleons perfectly. Zeus seems to be afraid of Thor, but Thor seems to think Zeus is a female and gets very excited when he sees Zeus. We tend to allow them to free roam at different times, but occasionally we will bring both of them out, as long as my boyfriend and I each watch one of them. We never bring them out when it's just one of us, god forbid anything happen. & thank you. The first chameleons we had was a pair of Pygmy's we bought about a year and a half ago and a Pet Expo. Sadly our male passed away in December and our female passed away in January. I was heart broken over both of the losses. We had bought Thor while they were still around, so having him made them passing a little easier. In February we decided to get another one, when we found Zeus. Zeus doesn't have much coloration yet, but also really won't since he's an Oustalet's and they're more black/white than bright colors like Panthers can be. The red on his side is becoming brighter and he also has it under his chin. We can't wait for him to get bigger and grow into his adult colors.

We have had Thor since he was just 3.5 months old and it is absolutely amazing to look back at the pictures of him to see how his colors have come out. All of the pictures below are of the same chameleon; the first one his him fired up when he was 3.5 months old (this is the picture that made us fall in love with him), the second picture is him when he was 3.5 months old but calm, and the third one is a picture I took of him in March when he was basking in the sun by the window.

Oh my gosh look how tiny he was to how big he has gotten. He seems have have been born with a lot of color right away. When I first got Tony he was super tan like the color of sand or something lol. I also got him from a pet expo in January. When I asked the breeder if I could hold him he took him out of the cage and he sprinted up my arm, climbed up to my head, then down arm again to hang like batman. For while that was his name lol. These are pictures of him in January/maybe early February.


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I can barely keep mine in his cage. The moment he sees me he hangs on the door until I let him out. Sometimes he goes right back in after climbing on me for a while, other times his little brain is fixed on exploring the world.
My veiled Herbert will cling to the front or walk on the bottom and do laps. When I see him doing this, I know that he wants out. I simply just open the door for him and he either climbs up and hangs out on top of his cage or he climbs down and goes exploring in the living room. He normally walks down the cage to get to the ground, but every now and then he'll hang and drop to the floor as you'll see in this video. He's always doing something silly that makes my wife and I laugh and love him that much more.

Dude that's awesome. I like that he was so whatever about it. Like "hey I'm out of my cage what's in the fridge?" Lol. The other day Tony was out of his cage, I ran upstairs to grab my computer and when I came back he had managed to climb up the coat rack I didn't even notice until I was about to put on a jacket. Then there he was staring at me as if I was the one in the wrong. ^_^
I can barely keep mine in his cage. The moment he sees me he hangs on the door until I let him out. Sometimes he goes right back in after climbing on me for a while, other times his little brain is fixed on exploring the world.

Hahaha. i know what you mean. It's like the sun comes up and Tony is like "hey....hey...let me out for a couple of hours..." And when I don't let him out he turns into such the little jerk and turns his back on me or will move away if I mess with his dripper. I swear in his mind he's yelling at me lol.
Both are absolutely lovely. But is it hard keeping two of a different species? Do they ever try to fight or mate?
I keep them separated and a blind between there cages ,,,took both outside one time,that won't happen again the male tryed to mate with female , ran her to the top of a small tree I have for them to roam ,,other than that they do just fine
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