Silkies question:


Retired Moderator
1. compared to phoenix worm, which is better as a staple feeder for chameleon?
2. what is the logic behind refrigerating the egg?
3. how long should they stay there?

thank you
1. Silks or roaches are prolly better just because you can breed them easily. I always feed off phoenix worms every other day though

2. The eggs have to be refrigerated (Called Diapause) just because thats how they evolved. The cold is most likely to simulate a winter they'd go through in the wild.

3. At least a month.
1. Silks or roaches are prolly better just because you can breed them easily. I always feed off phoenix worms every other day though

2. The eggs have to be refrigerated (Called Diapause) just because thats how they evolved. The cold is most likely to simulate a winter they'd go through in the wild.

3. At least a month.

Spot on lonomac, couldn't say it better myself!
I love the phoenix worms for their high protein content and wiggle factor. And I love the silkies for their rehydration factor. But I believe a well varied diet is the best idea of all. I feed my guys basically 4 to 5 different type buggies during each week and two to three different insects per day. Some days they are more wild about one than the other. Lali ate 20 phoenix worms the other day. Then only a few the next, but tons of crickets. Just depends on what the mood is. But at least she has the choice and gets a well rounded diet. For me, worms are easier to dose vitamins onto than the crickets.
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