Should I get another chameleon?


I have been really thinking about adding a Jacksons to my family but I m not sure it would be the best idea. I also think that it might be best to just have Rebel and spoil him rotten. I am building him a bigger enclosure this summer. 24(deep)X 36(long)X 48(tall). I also am going to save up for a MistKing or AquaZamp. I am a single mom and I work full time and I go to school part time. Is it a lot more work to have 2 chameleons. I will have Rebels screen enclosure (18X18X36) sitting empty.

I am really confused. If I do decide to get a Jacksons it will be at least another year. I just don't want to get another chameleon and find myself unable to give the best care possible to both of them..

Any suggestions or opinions are greatly appreciated..:cool:
I started with one and now I have 6 lol. I was afraid I wouldn't take care of them properly too. I work full time and I leave in the morning so the lights and mistking are on timers. For my Bradypodions, since they require smaller dubias so I started to get them the night before an put them on a smaller container with food so they are ready to be fed in the morning. That way I'm not searching the Dubia bin in the morning. The rest of my guys are mostly cup fed and eat larger feeders so that doesn't take much time.

I think if you really want another one, you learn to adjust your schedule slightly so you can take care of them. I will sometimes not have time to put on my makeup but I will always make time to make sure everything is okay with the chams before I leave haha.
I can understand why you have to think about this for a while first. I will toss out a couple questions, how will you be able to meet both the temp & humidity needed by a Jackson? They require cooler temps and higher humidity, isn't that going to be a challenge where you live? How old and how many kids do you have? For me if I had a sick child, the time spent with them goes way up. If you have more than one, the time commitment to both well and sick kids goes way, way up. Even when healthy, my kids could get into trouble like they were puppies.:rolleyes:

I think it all comes down to time, money, and what you really want.
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I think you should just spoil your baby rotten. With all that you have going on, you don't want your chameleons to become a chore rather than something to enjoy.
I can understand why you have to think about this for a while first. I will toss out a couple questions, how will you be able to meet both the temp & humidity needed by a Jackson? They require cooler temps and higher humidity, isn't that going to be a challenge where you live? How old and how many kids do you have? For me if I had a sick child, the time spent with them goes way up. If you have more than one, the time commitment to both well and sick kids goes way, way up. Even when healthy, my kids could get into trouble like they were puppies.:rolleyes:

I think it all comes down to time, money, and what you really want.

Thank you. The temp and humidity issue is one I was most worried about. I have a veiled and I know a Jackson's requirements are different. I have AC in my apartment so temp. isn't as much of a problem as humidity. With two different species I would not be able to split on misting system..

I have two children. My daughter, who is 19, is away at college and I have a 6 year old son at home. He spends about half of his time at his dads but does require a lot of attention when home. lol:rolleyes:
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I think you should just spoil your baby rotten. With all that you have going on, you don't want your chameleons to become a chore rather than something to enjoy.

I am starting to lean towards just spoiling Rebel. I agree 100% I do not want my chameleons to become a chore. I so enjoy Rebel and watching him grow and change.

Thanks for your input.:)
Sounds like you already have experience with chams, so I would say, as long as you have room and resources for a jax, go for it.

Just keep in mind, they like lower temps, a low night temp drop, and tons of water!
They are very slow to drink, it can take several minutes of water dripping on their little heads before they actually start to drink.
By that time, your waste water bucket needs to be dumped :eek:
(exaggeration alert! :rolleyes: )
I have also found that they do much better, health wise, if let out to free range, or your yard, on a regular basis.

Even in winter, when we cant go outside, Noogie gets his exercise indoors on the free range, or climbing up the stairs.
They love to explore, and they go everywhere, floor to ceiling!!
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