should I get a male or female?

shane pattimore

Established Member
Ok so I have been in to chameleons for about a year now and im ready to upgrade my collection. I have a 1 year old veiled and a panther who is about 7 months. I am debating if I should find a female panther and breed the two OR I also found a STUNNING red bar for sale. My wife will only allow me to have one lol. Need some opinions please. Dont know what to do.
Male IMHO. I brought a baby male from very young, turned out she was female. A lot of stress and hassle. Don't get me wrong she's the best thing and she's doing great but it's a lot more hassle than a male :-(
I agree with Jann. Unless you're ready for the egg bins, laying, incubator, etc, I would get male.

However, you can't make babies with a Veiled and a panther. They can mate, and they will have eggs, but the eggs will not hatch. They're too far distant from each other genetic wise and all that stuff.
If you want to breed but your wife will only let you have one more, I don't know how you would explain to her the 30+ eggs! Seems like a male is the best thing for you right now.

I got a panther female recently but only as a pet. She's fantastic, but I already have a little experience with females so the whole egg thing isn't new. But it is one more stress to worry about, that's for sure. Females are pretty darn cute too.
Awesome, Thanks everyone. With me having a 10 month old HUMAN baby lol i
dont think i should breed anytime soon. I ended up getting a 2.5 month old male red bar.
Shane the truth is the human baby is a lot more fun than even the chameleons. What about some pictures of your pretty human baby?
Shane the truth is the human baby is a lot more fun than even the chameleons. What about some pictures of your pretty human baby?

Here is my human baby Dallas.


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How adorable is he? He looks like he is not all that sure where he has been planted. Now that is the baby you will enjoy growing up - well at least until the lovely teen years. They are a bit of a challenge for some.
All these issues that you guys are talking about only apply when you let them copulate right? Cuz I'm looking into getting my first cham, I found an adult female veiled on craigslist for a really good price but now you guys are freaking me out lol
All these issues that you guys are talking about only apply when you let them copulate right? Cuz I'm looking into getting my first cham, I found an adult female veiled on craigslist for a really good price but now you guys are freaking me out lol

Females will lay eggs without being mated, they will lay infertile eggs a few times a year from about 6 months of age onwards. However, there are techniques that can help keep her from producing eggs at all or producing much fewer eggs (refer to this blog for all the info you need:

I have two girls, and my panther just laid a clutch last night of infertile eggs. It's really not as horrible as it sounds, but it is one more thing to worry about. If you have a laying bin and provide lots of calcium you really shouldn't have any issues. Females make great pets, and I think female veileds are the much prettier gender! ;)
Females will lay eggs without being mated, they will lay infertile eggs a few times a year from about 6 months of age onwards. However, there are techniques that can help keep her from producing eggs at all or producing much fewer eggs (refer to this blog for all the info you need:

I have two girls, and my panther just laid a clutch last night of infertile eggs. It's really not as horrible as it sounds, but it is one more thing to worry about. If you have a laying bin and provide lots of calcium you really shouldn't have any issues. Females make great pets, and I think female veileds are the much prettier gender! ;)

Ok so I read that link (thanks) that person just kept the temps lower so she wouldn't lay and infertile eggs? Is there a color difference between the sexes?
Yes, females will be mostly green with blue and yellow spots while males will have yellow, brown, and blue bars, so they're a little more flashy. Look up Jannb's photos, she has three really beautiful veileds, a male and two females.
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