Should I be worried?

Steve C

New Member
My veild girl, Santana, has been doing really well until this week. Last Friday when I went to do my daily spraying she wasn't really responsive to the spraying, so I just went on my usual day. Sunday morning when she was sprayed she went directly to the water as though she hadn't drinken in days. Also, this afternoon when I went to spray and feed her she was a really dark gray. She is usually a bright green, but she was dark gray/brown with black spots (she usually brings her spots out when she's sprayed.. I don't know why...). And she didnt go after the food... She only ate 2 crickets out of 6 I was giving her. I hand feed her, so I just dumped the rest of the crickets in her cage. I don't know what's wrong. Could she be too warm? She's in my loft and where I live there has been some warm temperature. If so, I have fans up there and should I turn them on when I leave the house for the day? Could she be dehydrated? I have a sprayer system which I could put on her cage so she gets sprayed every couple of hours. Her eyes aren't sunken, so I don't think it's dehydration, but what do I know...
Thanks for any information/help given! She's my little girl and when my first chameleon passed away after six years I was just devastated.. I hope I can fix whatever problem she has..
Thanks So Much
How old is she?

Can you post photos?

what is the basking temp?

WHat size cage?

has she ever laid eggs, and does she have a lay bin?
How old is she?

Can you post photos?

what is the basking temp?

WHat size cage?

has she ever laid eggs, and does she have a lay bin?

Her cage size is 2 ft wide and 4 ft tall. She is about a year and a half, she has never laid eggs. I don't have a laying bin in her cage but whenever she seems to stay near the bottom of the cage, I put her in an egg laying bin, but she never digs, she just sits in the container or tries to climb out.... I'll post some pics in a couple of minutes.
8 inches from the heat lamp(where she usually basks and the closest she can get to the heat lamp) is 85 degrees.

her are her pics.In the pics it kinda looks like she is a light tan, but really she is a greyish.


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Right now she is a light grey, with light greenish/light bluish, pinky, and orange spots! Ill post a pic in like 1 minute! Whats wrong? I was going to put in her laying bin know, but I dont know what the problem is now. help!!
Here's a pics
She got mad when i put the camera in her cage, so she darkened...


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She looks ok.

I would suggest as Jann said, to leave her lay bin in the cage at all times.

You never know when she will have to lay eggs. My female routinely travels the bottom of her cage so that is not a tell tale sign.

If she always has the bin, you'll never miss her needing to lay.

What is the basking temperature at?
What kind of UVA/UVB do you have over her? My female changed colors as the bulb started going bad. I also recommend having a laying bin handy. She should have at that age already layed a clutch of infertile eggs
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