Shaking/unsteady when walking or moving about enclosure

Hi! So my chameleon has been healthy but is starting to shake when he walks... I give him calcium without d3 every feed and with d3 on the 1st and 15th.

What going on?


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Hi. Some chameleons will shake back and forth a little when leaf walking. Are you able to get some video of it? You’ll have to post it on another platform like YouTube or instagram and then can paste in the share link here in your post.
Are you giving a multivitamin too?
Hi! So my chameleon has been healthy but is starting to shake when he walks... I give him calcium without d3 every feed and with d3 on the 1st and 15th.

What going on?

Hi. Some chameleons will shake back and forth a little when leaf walking. Are you able to get some video of it? You’ll have to post it on another platform like YouTube or instagram and then can paste in the share link here in your post.
Are you giving a multivitamin too?
Ah gotcha- I tried to share video but wouldn't let me.... the reptivite I believe is multi and I give twice a month.. this is not the lunging forward and back that I've seen him do like when he walking cautiously, it's more of an unsteadiness swaying side to side... I did some reading after posting and saw that sometimes it can be normal from stress... we took in an additional dog 2 weeks ago and he's been behaving a bit differently since then. He doesn't do it every step but he did it when we had him out of the enclosure today (again not every time he walked) and he was hesitant to eat from the food cup while in our hands which he's such a hog he never cared before.. he ran everywhere after the crickets inside the enclosure but seemed to sway when I was standing right there


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Ok, so without seeing what he is actually doing, it’s impossible for me to say if it’s a ‘normal’ response to something or cause for concern. However, what you can try is adding more plant cover for him. He’s very exposed and while that’s great for us to see our beauties, it makes them nervous. See if you can find a nice big pothos, schefflera or other well leaved plant for him to hide in and behind. You could also partially cover the back and half of the sides with something like a fabric shower curtain. Not only will that help protect your wall from misting, but will help him to feel more secure. I’d also say to add many more branches too. You can use natural ones you can find outside, like from oak or other trees with no sap or odor. You can craft a scaffolding support for them with the straighter and sturdier ones, or use a garden trellis attached to your frame to hang them.
Ah gotcha- I tried to share video but wouldn't let me.... the reptivite I believe is multi and I give twice a month.. this is not the lunging forward and back that I've seen him do like when he walking cautiously, it's more of an unsteadiness swaying side to side... I did some reading after posting and saw that sometimes it can be normal from stress... we took in an additional dog 2 weeks ago and he's been behaving a bit differently since then. He doesn't do it every step but he did it when we had him out of the enclosure today (again not every time he walked) and he was hesitant to eat from the food cup while in our hands which he's such a hog he never cared before.. he ran everywhere after the crickets inside the enclosure but seemed to sway when I was standing right there videos here!
This happened to me too. My mom was watching my house with my itty bitty juvenile Jackson's while I went in to work and she called me saying she had an emergency and she thinks something is terribly wrong with Bilbo, he is shaky and wobbly. What if he got too hot and now is doing to die???? I tell my boss I have to leave, rush home and find this cute little guy just trying to be a leaf...

This happened to me too. My mom was watching my house with my itty bitty juvenile Jackson's while I went in to work and she called me saying she had an emergency and she thinks something is terribly wrong with Bilbo, he is shaky and wobbly. What if he got too hot and now is doing to die???? I tell my boss I have to leave, rush home and find this cute little guy just trying to be a leaf...

Your boss lets you leave? 😮
My employer make it difficult to have anyone leave. Even if someone dealing awful symptoms of their medical condition.
Ok, so he is doing his best to look like a pretty leaf, blowing in the breeze.
Oh what a relief! Thank God!! I was so afraid of MBD but thought I'd been doing a good job of keeping him healthy! I have some great branches I'd set aside for him but was letting them dry out and need to sanitize, I'll also add the plants! Thank you so much! Under what circumstances should I be concerned that it actually is MBD or something of me concern?
This happened to me too. My mom was watching my house with my itty bitty juvenile Jackson's while I went in to work and she called me saying she had an emergency and she thinks something is terribly wrong with Bilbo, he is shaky and wobbly. What if he got too hot and now is doing to die???? I tell my boss I have to leave, rush home and find this cute little guy just trying to be a leaf...

Oh my! I would have done the same thing! It totally scared me!! He's a cutie!!
Oh what a relief! Thank God!! I was so afraid of MBD but thought I'd been doing a good job of keeping him healthy! I have some great branches I'd set aside for him but was letting them dry out and need to sanitize, I'll also add the plants! Thank you so much! Under what circumstances should I be concerned that it actually is MBD or something of me concern?
With MBD he would be weak, falling, loose grip, grabbing his front legs with his back feet. As long as you have the correct lighting, change the bulbs when needed, and correct supplements, MBD shouldn’t be an issue. Your guy looks pretty healthy. I know they are stressful and worry us all the time. Have you done a husbandry review? Maybe that would ease your mind a bit?
You are doing a fantastic job. He looks nice and healthy.
Oh what a relief! Thank God!! I was so afraid of MBD but thought I'd been doing a good job of keeping him healthy! I have some great branches I'd set aside for him but was letting them dry out and need to sanitize, I'll also add the plants! Thank you so much! Under what circumstances should I be concerned that it actually is MBD or something of me concern
For cleaning the branches, all you need to do is give them a little scrub with some soapy water (I use Dawn), rinse very well and dry in the sun or just air dry. It’s mainly bird poop and general dirt that you want to remove.
With MBD he would be weak, falling, loose grip, grabbing his front legs with his back feet. As long as you have the correct lighting, change the bulbs when needed, and correct supplements, MBD shouldn’t be an issue. Your guy looks pretty healthy. I know they are stressful and worry us all the time. Have you done a husbandry review? Maybe that would ease your mind a bit?
That's a great idea, I think I had it posted awhile ago but good idea to do it. Also, this morning he has been licking the screen relentlessly. He started off licking water from leaves and screen but now he's traveling everywhere doing it. Is this normal?
That's a great idea, I think I had it posted awhile ago but good idea to do it. Also, this morning he has been licking the screen relentlessly. He started off licking water from leaves and screen but now he's traveling everywhere doing it. Is this normal?
I think that’s ok. Sounds like he is thirsty though. Do you want to look into your set up and husbandry to ensure all is set up right for him?
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