Setting up a drainage system


New Member
Hey guys got kind of a different question. Basically I want to put in some drainage holes into the bottom of my cage (lll cage) but I don't have a power drill...

Any of you creative people have any idea as to how I could create some holes for drainage without a power drill??

If its a plastic bottom cage, try heating up a metal rod till its red hot and melt a hole in it. Ive used a screw driver and an ice pick. Use your stove to heat the metal. BE CAREFUL AND DON'T BURN YOURSELF!!!
If its a plastic bottom cage, try heating up a metal rod till its red hot and melt a hole in it. Ive used a screw driver and an ice pick. Use your stove to heat the metal. BE CAREFUL AND DON'T BURN YOURSELF!!!

lol i'll probably try this out later and see if i can get anywhere

i really need to just go buy myself some tools, but i just don't want to spend the cash :p
you can always buy a hand drill ( metal gears and crank it by hand) cheap and a 3/4'' drill bit.. my drainage consists of at least 120 holes.. wish i had a plug in power drill, instead of a cordless !!!!
wow it seems such an alien idea to me that people wouldnt have a butt ton of tools horded into a corner of their basement... id let ya borrow one of mine, could prolly even have one of my crappy cordlesses. actually no, i need the batteries :p. HA you can get em real cheap if theyre on sale (or if youre dad works at home depot and grips stuff up when it goes on clearance)
can you ask a neighbor or a friend to borrow one? if not, worst comes to worst, i guess you could probably use a nail and hammer and hammer some holes on the bottom. you would need a pretty thick nail so the holes are big enough. i think the bottoms of those cages can take a nail through it w/o cracking but don't take my word for it!
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