Rudis maybe????

Your selective reading is lovely.

Take care of those poor geckos. Spend your money on medical care for them. They sound like they need it. Again, it's abuse.
Ok for Christ's sake. I am not a troll. I am 13. I am in 8th grade, in accelerated courses, have two Leos and a snake, and I would appreciate it if you would stop assuming you know anything about me, much less that you know everything about me.
Want proof? I'll send a pic of my Cham cage once the thing lets me. I always get the picture, but it never uploads. Also Ben, for the 7th time I am not a troll. I am 13.
So here's the thing that raises concern in people. I did a search of the forums and in less than five minutes found the answer to your question. You claim to have done so much research, but still do not have answers for the simple questions such as what to feed a small chameleon, and what humidity a Triceros Sternfeldi needs. Perhaps do some of the research, come back with a question like I have read XYZ, do you feel that this is still accurate information. This would show that you are mature, ready for a chameleon, and have actually done the research.
Someone did ask for pictures of your geckos, which you did not supply. Perhaps that would appease people were calling you a troll. Additionally, you have had a couple of members offer you the opportunity to personal message them. If you would like to not receive criticism, perhaps moving your questions to yhese sources would help decrease your frustration with the feedback you are receiving.
Flchams has crazy prices. 200$+ for a chameleon for most of them, 60$+ for some, 80$+ for the rest. LLLReptiles is decent enough, but 40$ shipping is crazy. I'll pay it, but it's crazy. Anyone else have ideas?

Chameleons are expensive. Don't forget the cost of vet visits and feeders. I have spent more then I expected. But I do love my Panther.
My geckos are shedding currently and look sickly due to it. I'll post a pic of them when they're done.

Shedding or not, its discernable whats from shedding and whats an actual lack of care or health problem...avoidance and excuses. Ive given up all hope on you helping us help you.
You have been saying for three pages that you will send pictures of your "reptiles". We want proof. You have been saying for the whole time about your poor geckos and snake and chameleon - WE WANT PROOF!
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