Roach Questions (and some great news!!!)


You say you use "exoterra undertank heat pad" and a "tub with a lid." Do you worry about overheating the plastic or fire hazard or are you using glass tank and not a rubbermaid storage tub?

I just use a rubbermade container with the heatpad taped to the side. The heatpads, from my experience don't get hot enough to melt the plastic or overheat. I've been using this method a long time and haven't had any problems, only have had benefits from this. I do use glass tanks for certain species however (Hissers and lobsters.)
Where do you guys get your roaches from? Is there one place that's better than another or somewhere I should avoid getting them?

I haven't bought roaches for a while i breed and sell my own roaches. This way i can guarantee theyre healthy to feed my animals.
I don't know thing 1 about feeder roaches, but I know the cockroaches that invade your home make me scream like a 7 year old ballerina.

IF you have an escapee or 2 while breeding these little monsters, can they take over your house like the other cockroaches? Also, are they as unnaturally fast as their disgusting cousins?

I'll be picking up a chameleon soon and I keep hearing how great roaches are as prey and I definitely wanna breed a colony of prey for him, but I dunno if I can get over the terrible opinion those house roaches have left in my mind.

oh and btw, hi.
I don't know thing 1 about feeder roaches, but I know the cockroaches that invade your home make me scream like a 7 year old ballerina.

IF you have an escapee or 2 while breeding these little monsters, can they take over your house like the other cockroaches? Also, are they as unnaturally fast as their disgusting cousins?

I'll be picking up a chameleon soon and I keep hearing how great roaches are as prey and I definitely wanna breed a colony of prey for him, but I dunno if I can get over the terrible opinion those house roaches have left in my mind.

oh and btw, hi.
I HATE household roaches. I've had many traumatic experiences with them crawling or flying on me. I can even tell if they're in a room by the noises they make.

Dubia feeder roaches can't fly like house roaches can, they look less disgusting, and they need temperatures too high to breed indoors. If they got outside where I live in the summer, they might start reproducing, but they'd die in the winter. Apparently they're really clean too! I'm going to try it, they're really good for chameleons.

Welcome to the forums!
roaches is really expensive on alot of their roaches but some of James's deals are O.K. but he does have alot of different species to offer. I have been working with roaches for a while and will tell you there is no reason to pay those prices for those roaches (Like $3 for 10 Turkistans? that's VERY expensive ;)). As for will roaches invade my house? Most of the species up for sale are non invasive species (hissers, dubia, discoids) but others can potentially invade depending on where you live (lobsters, lateralis, other small roaches).
Last edited: is really expensive on alot of their roaches but some of James's deals are O.K. but he does have alot of different species to offer. I have been working with roaches for a while and will tell you there is no reason to pay those prices for those roaches (Like $3 for 10 Turkistans? that's VERY expensive ;)). As for will roaches invade my house? Most of the species up for sale are non invasive species (hissers, dubia, discoids) but others can potentially invade depending on where you live (lobsters, lateralis, other small roaches).

Agreed. Search "dubia" on this forum. Many individuals sell at good prices. I also frequent
I live in Orlando, FL ... so I'm pretty sure any of those invasive species would be glad to share (repo?) my home with me! =(

I'll look into dubias, cuz I want the best for my chameleon, but he won't last long if his dad gets eaten alive by creepy roaches!
Hmm, apparently it's illegal to ship roaches to Florida (best law ever). Panchlora nivea seem pretty cool and look like they'd make interesting prey (being green and flying), but probably a pain to keep because of it! Dubias are kind of gross-looking, but if they're as slow as many suggest (and can't climb! yay), I might be able to put up with it... that's what tongs are for!


I'm not saying people shouldn't try to acquire them ... I'm not saying people shouldn't sell them ... but, be careful and know the possible consequences.
Also, if you do get your hands on some your research and practice extreme safety and security measures!
You don't want to be the one responsible for introducing a very invasive and destructive animal.
I DO NOT keep them (anymore) Kitty lived in harmony with them and did not consider them food. Mine were laying 2 to 3 eggs a day ... This eventually equals 1000's of sticks!
I (illegally) sold and shipped a lot of these animals with no problems, but it was always a bit nerve racking, and not really worth it.
The remainder of my collection were eventually frozen (on purpose) with substrate, eggs and all. One month in the freezer, then triple bagged in giant ziplock bags and disposed of.
One final word of caution:
The USDA and Fish and Game departments DO MONITER THESE FORUMS if you are keeping anything illegal .... you would be well advised to keep this information to yourself.:)


edit: I am disclosing this information mainly to discourage people from keeping these insects. I do not believe I am in any danger, as I do not have any anymore. I have also conveniently forgotten the names of any people I may have provided with them.


haha nice disclaimer:D
Hope this helps a little.

I ordered from

My boy Jake loves them. Fred isn't so happy with them, but he eventually finishes off what I've offered him.

When I ordered from that site I purchased the water crystals and a couple of the dishes they sell. I have been feeding cricket food and some greens. I didn't order enough to really have a huge demand for food.

Here is my tank setup. I don't think my heat pad is cutting it.




As you can see the dish that is sold from is quite large.

Does anyone think that maybe a 40w heat coil might help? I already have 100w coils. I just don't want to use it because of the power consumption and that it might be a bit too hot. Any ideas?:confused:

I have the same size heat pad and I don't think it's working very well! It puts the required temperature into just one area, but the heat doesn't warm up the entire tub. They seem to gather in one area and rarely leave it. I have it furthest from the food, so I think they don't go to the food. I haven't seen them eat, in any case.

A couple have died. I don't think they ever recuperated from the trip. Hopefully it's not something serious with the entire colony. All the other roaches seem nimble and healthy.

Well, I'm feeling unsure about the eventual success of this colony, but I'm going to try to figure it out. As of now all but 1 is alive, methinks.
I placed a piece of aluminum foil under the heat pad (between the wire rack and the pad) to keep the heat going up into the cage. then I warped the tank in aluminum foil. then i took a spare 25w heat (night time) lamp and installed it to the wire mesh lid i have and placed a piece of aluminum foil over it to keep the heat going down. my heat gun reads the pad (or the glass the pad is stuck to) at 98* and the egg crate in the tank at 88* the temp guage sitting in the cage away from the heat pad reads 72* and the room temp (according to the cham cage temp probes) to be at 75*.

So i am not sure what to beleive.... but i think it is warm enough.
That's a good idea. I will go get extra foil tomorrow and try rigging that up. Your temps seem great with the foil, what were they before?
That's a good idea. I will go get extra foil tomorrow and try rigging that up. Your temps seem great with the foil, what were they before?

Ya know, I am not sure. I didn't really take any readings with the heat gun before I installed the foil. But it is warmer. It is also darker now.

Can anyone give me an idea of how much food these guys require? I prolly have about 20 or so medium nymphs and 6 adults. I provide water crystals and a dish full of Fluker's dry food. I don't see the Dubia moving around much. I am just not sure how much activity I should expect. They definitely are not like Crickets...
Hi Summoner,

I think it is good to wrap the tank with something because you will lose a lot of heat through the glass. Also, the glass will let in too much light and might change their daily habits.
I have a temp gun too (love it) but it may give an inaccurate reading when shooting through/at glass or screen. Unfortunately I cannot comment on the heat pad you use, at the same time I use a (people) heat pad and it keeps the area over the pad around 88 degrees.
In my experience so far, you also need a temperature gradient because I often find my adult males on the cooler side of the tub. This would mean you need to add some egg crating not over the heat pad, and also add to the ones you have that ARE over the heat pad. Another temp gradient option for them.
You will be wanting/hoping that they out grow that tank pretty quickly. Just keep an eye on them once they start establishing so that they have enough space. When it gets too crowded they will start stressing out.
You probably can do away from using so much of the water crystals. If you feed fruit (oranges/etc) on a regular basis it will provide enough moisture for them. (Also,the bowl you are using for the crystals looks rather high and may be difficult for them to get to where it is at.
What I do is I place the food at the cool side of the tub under some egg crates. Not sure if placing under crates makes much of a difference but to me I think they will feel safer and more natural for them.
I never see them moving around with any light in the room unless I pick up some of the egg crates. But food is always gone the next day!
For the amount of roaches you say you have, I think the dish of flukers is fine, along with maybe 1/2 of an orange or carrot. (The greens you have in there are great also.) See what is gone the next day and take it from there.
You will be amazed at the difference you will see once they start to get established.

I hope you do not mind my 2 cents and I hope this helps you.

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