Rip Princess Millie


New Member
My millie passed away yesterday. She was seemingly regaining her strengh and starting to eat again after egg laying. But when I went to check on her yesterday she was gone. I wish I knew what happened, I am shocked and very upset. She was my princess, I have 36 of her eggs though. I am hoping more than anything that they hatch and our healthy. She was a beatiful veiled, with a sweet personality. I still have my panther who is extermely healthy and beatiful. RIP Millie, you'll be missed greatly, Love mom!
Awww, I'm so sorry you lost her. Females are really very special and we get so attached to them. Often we don't realise quite how attached we are until they are gone. I have lost two chams myself and it takes a while to get over, but things do get better in time. Luckily for us, photos and memories can live on forever!
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