Rhampholeon Kerstenii


New Member
picked up a pair of kenya pygmy chams today thought id share some pics.

Umm those are Rhampholeon brevicaudatus. At least the second is for sure. The first one looks like a brev to me too. They both have the beard of a brev and kerstenii tails are much longer than brevs, especially with females. Looks like kerstenii have a few rows of small points down their sides parallel to their pattern stripes. Doesn't look like the first one has those. I'm fairly positive they're both brevs. :/ Good looking little guys though!
In case you haven't seen this yet, here's an excellent caresheet for brevs that includes just about everything! It's pretty good for several other species of pygs too. :)

cheers ill have a read through it now. ive done some research on them looking through threads and on the net. thanks for the corect identification also.
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