Reptile/Amphibian of the Week

Hello everyone. I know I haven't done any Reptile/Amphibian's of the Week lately. I have been focusing on school mostly, so I have been forgetting, but I will do it today.

This week's Amphibian of the Week is...


The Tiger Salamander!

These adorable, derpy-faced salamanders look a lot like spotted salamanders, but the spots, when present, are larger, more irregular, and extend down the sides and onto the belly. Some baby tiger salamanders never develop into their land form; they spend their entire life in water, where they eventually breed. Tiger salamanders are also known to live over 10 years.
When I was around 12, I went on a hike with the local hiking club. Out in the woods someplace, I turned over a log to find a cluster of spotted salamanders. I think it was the surprise/shock, but it scared the 💩 out of me. I screamed and ran full-tilt all the way back to the car and waited several hours for the group to return. :(

I haven't seen any of the little slimy buggers since, though I still turn over logs & rocks looking for them in the woods. 🤓
Were talking probably before your father was born—and as I said—I haven't seen one in the wild since, despite looking for them. According to their habitat...
They live in hardwood and mixed forests close to stagnant water sources like swamps, ponds, and vernal pools (temporary or seasonal pools of water).
...they should be in the back of my own property, but I've not seen them in the 30+ years I've been here.
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