Hey guys purchased a veiled chameleon just under a month ago. When I got him he appeared very healthy, he enjoyed staying in a small area of his cage and eats well. In the past three days I have switched him from regular crickets to gut loaded crickets and I gave him a shower the other day. Now he is moving throughout his cage and really seems to be enjoying it.
Is this a common thing for chameleons to do when they are well fed and hydrated? I just want to make sure he isn't getting stressed or anything.
Here is my setup:
5' Cage
Ficus tree w/ lots of fake vines.
Mister 4x a day 30seconds
8.0 UVB light
75w heat lamp
7 months old
Also how much should I be feeding him I have been giving him ~15 crickets every other day.
Is this a common thing for chameleons to do when they are well fed and hydrated? I just want to make sure he isn't getting stressed or anything.
Here is my setup:
5' Cage
Ficus tree w/ lots of fake vines.
Mister 4x a day 30seconds
8.0 UVB light
75w heat lamp
7 months old
Also how much should I be feeding him I have been giving him ~15 crickets every other day.