Question healing?!

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My male veiled ill post a pic of his size. He has a red mark on top of his head abrasive. I can't catch the little guy for a pic of it. Try's to bite when I just did. He also has quarter inch of tip of tail dryed up. I just noticed it and how it happen search me. Do chameleons heal and the tail tip will regrow right? Important k cause I don't want him get infection.
The tail will not regrow like some other lizard species. Keep an eye on it and make sure that it does not spread further up the tail. As far as the head wound, it is hard to tell what it is without seeing it. If it is some type of infection and and not a wound, it could get worse.
It won't regrow dang I thought it would its a black color. I will keep a eye on it he comes out when no one is in the room. Sees me and hides again. It is a bright red color ill try and get a photo.
Here's a photo of the tail it's kinda blurry I apologize. You can see I caused him a lot of stress I hope I didn't hurt him. He didn't want to move after I took the photo.
You want to watch the tail because sometimes they get a dry gangrene. If if starts to spread don't leave it...go to a vet. Can't be sure about the head isn't clear on my playbook.
Am keep a eye on it still don't know how it happen. He just stays so hidden I still haven't seen him eat cause he's hidden. Sorry I took the pic best I could he was going nuts. Wouldn't stay still enough for a photo shot. I hope the tail doesn't get worse that would blow,
I hope I didn't hurt him he's been acting weird staying in corner of the top of cage.
If the tail is black from being bruised , then it will probably just heal on its own. You say it is dried up looking which sounds like more than a bruise. Sometimes stuck or retained shed can constrict the blood flow causing the tissue to die.
If the tail is black from being bruised , then it will probably just heal on its own. You say it is dried up looking which sounds like more than a bruise. Sometimes stuck or retained shed can constrict the blood flow causing the tissue to die.

Yes it is dried up grey black coloration. He recently has shed full body. I know crickets didn't do it cause I remove them. He recently stopped growth too and stays a dark coloration. Used to be a bright green blue. Strange whatever I'll keep a eye on it.
Whatever it don't matter now. Delleted thm thiught I waas gettin bani
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