Pre-ovulatory follicle stasis in the veiled chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus Duméril et Duméril, 1851…


Chameleon Queen
“We suppose that most patients with pre-ovulatory follicle stasis also suffer from metabolic bone disease (MBD). The connection between the two disorders seems to be evident, but the hypothesis that MBD predisposes the patient to POFS needs to be verified by more studies in the future.”…so many of the chameleons that develop follicular stasis in my experience do have MBD, often prolapse, etc. This just strengthens the belief that husbandry is playing a big part in FOllicular Stasis and Dystocia…
I agree that surgery should be done right away before they start getting weak because it’s the only thing that will fix this problem. The sad part is not many vets can do this surgery successfully.
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