Powdery Mildew on Plants! Any Help?


New Member
Sooo...I have three Scheflerra planted in my three chameleon enclosures and lately I have been getting a white powder on two of them. I have wiped the leaves with warm water, but it just keeps coming back. At first I thought it was the calcium powder from the feeder, so I started using feeder cups, but the problem persisted. After research, I found that it is indeed powdery mildew, which seems fairly common. Now the only problem I have...what do I do? I need advice on someone who has had this problem and knows a treatment that is completely safe for my chams! Please help any way you can :)
how did you come to the conclusion that it is powery mildew?

Is this in a Vivarium or an open screened cage?

How much water are you providing? is it tap water, DI or RO?

If you use tap water, it could just be dried water (if you live in an area with hard water) sometimes if i spray with tap water,a white residue is left due to hard water in my area.

maybe a picture will help?
Remove the plant, repot it and wash the leaves with soap and water. Wash all the dirt off of the roots, and repot with a good draining soil. This should help, I had one get black powdery mold on its leaves, and it fixed my problem.


I just did some research, I could very well be wrong...haven't ever had to deal with either issue thankfully.

As far as the cages...they are all screened. Before I do anything else, I'll wipe the leaves down and switch the water...hopefully that fixes the issue.

MSAquatics, thank you! If it is indeed Powdery Mildew...I will give this a go :)
I had the same problem - mostly because I was using natural spring water, and not distilled or RO. I use distilled now, and haven't had the problem since.

Just using water to wash the residue off is not enough - you need a mild soap. Rinse well after, or you'll have soap deposits too, and your cham won't like that.
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