Plants not on list can I use these


New Member
New Guinea inpatients? Chick and hens
Stonecrops or sedujspurium dragons blood
Sweet potato vines Green and purple
I just picked then up for $1 a piece
None are good choices. The succulents require a cool period, the impatiens needs more light than you will provide and almost certainly has been treated with systemic pesticides, because they are very prone to pests and disease and you can't wash systemics away, as they are circulating in the plant cells. The sweet potato vines will need more light than you can provide, but you can try them, as they are harmless, though white potatoes are not, as they are members of the nightshade family.
I've planted potatoe vines in places that get full sun for half the day and partial sun/shade the rest of the day, and they've always did well. As for the impatiens, they're not hardy at all. They need just the right lighting and watering to thrive and grow. I always struggled keeping them alive.
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