Pink Urates...Help!!


New Member
So I bought this female who's a little over a year old, but I don't know how accurate that is as I suspect her to be wild caught...she just doesn't act like the cb's I've seen. I got her a few weeks ago and she's been eating, but not very much and she's been drinking when I mist her cage. She seems fine basking in the sunlight (I've got a window that gets a LOT of sun and I leave it open during the day) and she's usually a light green color. Problem is she doesn't poop very twice since I've gotten her...and the first time it was huge. That time her urates looked normal, and I've seen normal urates in her cage a few times without poo, but this time there was poo and a big long solid urate that looked almost like a silkworm (which I've been giving her and my male lately) but about half of it is pink...the tip part is white. I've taken a few pictures but they didn't come out too good...I'll get 'em up soon.
ze, etc.) but she eats and explores as if she were healthy.

Anyone got any ideas on what might cause this?
well, Im not sure that putting her in the sunlight window during the day is a good way to let her stay warm. In my early days of owning reptiles (when I was liek 14 or 15) I bought a snake that I kept in the window of my bedroom. It lasted 2 days. The heat from the sun killed it pretty quik. It got cooked.

Best thing i would say is to keep your cham out of the window when in the cage and get a UVB bulb as well as a heat lamp and keep the temp in basking area at the apropriate temp. Ussually around 85 degrees but most animals have diffrent perfect temps.

The window is a good place to let your cham climb and explore on while you are watching but not a good place to let sit during the day while at work.

thsi is my 2 cents.

well, Im not sure that putting her in the sunlight window during the day is a good way to let her stay warm. In my early days of owning reptiles (when I was liek 14 or 15) I bought a snake that I kept in the window of my bedroom. It lasted 2 days. The heat from the sun killed it pretty quik. It got cooked.

Best thing i would say is to keep your cham out of the window when in the cage and get a UVB bulb as well as a heat lamp and keep the temp in basking area at the apropriate temp. Ussually around 85 degrees but most animals have diffrent perfect temps.

The window is a good place to let your cham climb and explore on while you are watching but not a good place to let sit during the day while at work.

thsi is my 2 cents.

i am not quite getting the logic that UVB is better than the sunlight itself.
Are you sure your snake died because the sunray? or could it be due to some complication?
UVB is not better than sunlight. sunlight is way better.

What im talking about is the heat of the sun. having the sunlight pounding on a small area like a cage causes an extra amount of heat that could be unhealthy and dangerous
She's got enough foliage to hide behind and cooler areas of her cage to run off too...I really think her location is ok because I've been watching her and the temps pretty close and I've been getting the spot ready since before I got her...nothing gets out of acceptable range for what her natural environment would be. She seems to love when the sun comes out too...she "runs" over to the front of her cage and sits on her highest perch spot.

The pink part almost looks like a little fetus in a sac...but i'm pretty sure it's not. I'm sure a vet visit is in order, I'm just trying to find out how urgent this should I make an emergency visit tomorrow or is it something I can schedule at the vet's earliest convenience? (Most likely thurs or fri).
well if teh temp is good and enough things to hide behind for shade cool...

one thing I was told when I bought my cham is that they r very fragile. I personally treat everything with my cham as an emergency situation.

My snake on teh other hand... i go early convenience cuz they r harder fighters. and can take more abuse to themselves than chams can if you get what im sayin.

I would set it up for tomarow if you can, If its nothing then hey atleast you knwo all if cool, If its serious your cham will thank you for being quik to the punch!
UVB is not better than sunlight. sunlight is way better.

What im talking about is the heat of the sun. having the sunlight pounding on a small area like a cage causes an extra amount of heat that could be unhealthy and dangerous

Your snake was probably in an aquarium (glass), which heats up super quick in sunlight. A screened cage with foilage would be perfectly fine for a chameleon sitting by the open window.
If she is having a poo problem you could try to just regulate her poops by feeding her 3 to 6 silks a day with cricks and a warm shower twice a week. The silks will make it easer to poop and the warm shower also.Then she should go every other day. Hope that helps
could it be a sperm plug?
take a picture.
O wait.. never mind... you said it's a female...
are you sure it's a female? :D

mine was a female until we took her/him to the vet. When I bought him we were told its a female so we never thought otherwise. Had I looked at his feet I ould have seen spurs... We took a female to the vet and came home with a male. Im guessing at some point the cham had a sex change while in the xray room.
A pinkish/peach/orange coloration to the urates (white part of the fecal) is a sign of dehydration. When a chameleon is well hydrated their urate should be white. Make sure she is getting plenty of water.

I second Pam's suggestion on giving her a warm shower - this will give her an opportunity to drink lots of water and help her from being dehydrated. If she drinks a lot of water, you should notice her urates turn white again. If you are unsure how to properly shower your chameleon, there are many threads on this forum about showering your chameleon.
...The pink part almost looks like a little fetus in a sac...but i'm pretty sure it's not...

Remembering that Jackson's give live birth and sometimes produce "slugs", it is possible that she just produced a slug. Save whatever you have for examination. A vet visit is not a bad idea. Dr. Tom Greek is still available event though he is in the middle of finding a new location, he is working out of a site in Diamiond Bar, CA right now. Try him at 909-861-7463 .

Othewise, you know how to catch me at home on weeknights and weekends :). Maybe it's time for a visit :D.
Thanks for the help guys! (and gals :) ) I'll try showering her more often and definately take her to that vet in.....diamondbar?! Lol, that's gonna be a journey but if that's who you recommend dave, then that's who I'm going to, as I was going to ask you for a vet recommendation anyways.

Thanks again all, I'm sure lucia (g/f liked that better than my idea: Harriet Tubman) will be fine I just get a little worried when I see pink...especially when for a second it almost looked like she'd crapped her liver. :eek:

Dave: I definately need to stop by and get the grand tour though, I'll try and give you a call this weekend if you aren't too busy.

Take care.
Dr Tom is the best!
lol.. I live nearby.. so, i am just fortunate..
but he'll soon move to anaheim :(
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