Picky eater......is this normal?


New Member
Hi guys! So I got my Cham a week ago today, he's a seven month male veiled from Northwest Chameleons. He absolutely refuses to eat crickets and only ate one dubia( which is a shame because I spent the last six months building up a large breeder colony of roaches for him). He loves moths but there will come a time when there are no more cabbage moths flying around the garden so that's not a decent staple, and he will eat superworms. He usually will only eat about two supers a day and then goes up and basks. My question is this: is that enough food for a seven month old? To me it doesn't seem like enough but I'm kind of new to this. Thanx a bunch in advance!
Hi guys! So I got my Cham a week ago today, he's a seven month male veiled from Northwest Chameleons. He absolutely refuses to eat crickets and only ate one dubia( which is a shame because I spent the last six months building up a large breeder colony of roaches for him). He loves moths but there will come a time when there are no more cabbage moths flying around the garden so that's not a decent staple, and he will eat superworms. He usually will only eat about two supers a day and then goes up and basks. My question is this: is that enough food for a seven month old? To me it doesn't seem like enough but I'm kind of new to this. Thanx a bunch in advance!

Chams can definitely have favorite foods and can get stubborn about what they want. But, he's still in his growth phase so you do need to try other feeders (have you tried silkworms, tomato hornworms, houseflies and waxworms or moths?) Superworms are not a terrible feeder as long as you gutload them well with dark leafy greens, fortified cereal grains, and fruit. Waxworms are pretty high in fat, so not a staple, but they do morph out into moths and he seems to prefer flying prey. Bluebottle flies too. You can get them from suppliers. It can also help to try different sizes of feeders he is familiar with in case he prefers smaller or larger prey.
My male veiled is the same, would only eate 10 cri kets a week and a few supers. Finally figured out he loves house flies. I get them from spiderpharm.com and hatch them out and turn them loose in his cage. He literally snatches them out of mid air.
My male veiled is the same, would only eate 10 cri kets a week and a few supers. Finally figured out he loves house flies. I get them from spiderpharm.com and hatch them out and turn them loose in his cage. He literally snatches them out of mid air.

Veils really don't seem to have any patience for anything that flies. 'If it flies, it dies' is their motto. All the ones I ever had, HATED anything that flew, especially moths and bumblees. GONE!
Our panther, 7 months old, doesn't really care about crickets or dubias unless he's really hungry. But he'd eat locusts and superworms any time! :D
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