petsmart veiled


New Member
so i walk into petsmarrt and this is what i see three veiled chams and they're staring at me i got passion in my heart and i aint afraid to show angry and i know it! veiled.jpg
you figure with all their money they would be able to afford to put some chams in a decent enclosure it wasnt even a foot wide or tall
you figure with all their money they would be able to afford to put some chams in a decent enclosure it wasnt even a foot wide or tall

It's not a question of affording the better caging. Its a matter of basic ignorance and the assumption that someone will buy the poor things before their health declines.
Whatever you do, I do not recommend "saving" them... I "saved" my little Cami from them. She is SUCH a sweety, and I would not trade her for the world! I was able to talk them down from $150 to $75. They told me SHE was a male, and that veileds were not known for laying eggs. Huh. Cami is a female, and has had 41 fertile eggs. She has also had numerous health issues, my vet is assuming due to poor breeding lineage. PetSmart is not really concerned about how great their breeders are, but mainly how well they sell their cute, small, seemingly easy-to-take-care-of pets. Cami is wonderful, but with her neuro problems growing up and even now, along with some other small issues that the vet and I have worked through with her, I would never support the financial stability of this store again. Ridiculous! So horrible how they treat them!
My boyfriend and I were at either PetSmart or Petco about two months ago, and they had a little female veiled who only had about 1/3 of her tail left...apparently someone had bought her and she developed a black dot on her tail and it had to be amputated...they probably just didn't know how to take care of her correctly. She was the sweetest little chameleon though; she was kind of scratching at the glass of the enclosure trying to get out when I was looking at her, and they let me hold her. She was the sweetest little thing! I wanted to get her, but Dan and I already have two chams and there's not any room for more at the moment!
My boyfriend and I were at either PetSmart or Petco about two months ago, and they had a little female veiled who only had about 1/3 of her tail left...apparently someone had bought her and she developed a black dot on her tail and it had to be amputated...they probably just didn't know how to take care of her correctly. She was the sweetest little chameleon though; she was kind of scratching at the glass of the enclosure trying to get out when I was looking at her, and they let me hold her. She was the sweetest little thing! I wanted to get her, but Dan and I already have two chams and there's not any room for more at the moment!

at my petco they have a stressed jackson that does not look like he's healthy as
a juvenile don't buy from petco/petsmart:(
The petco here had 3 as well with a tiny glass cage. They also have a jackson that looks about dead with major mouth rot! I don't get how stupid people are at these pet stores!
I got a jackson male from petsmart it was only 90 and about 5-7 months hmmm wonder why, take him home and he's sick with a rare skin disease and R.I. NEVER buy from petsmart. They need to be banished from selling animals like chams...LETS START AN UPRISING!
at my petco they have a stressed jackson that does not look like he's healthy as
a juvenile don't buy from petco/petsmart:(

Yeah, I wouldn't buy a cham from them. I just wanted to give the poor little cham with only part of a tail a nice home...I bet a lot of people wouldn't want her because she doesn't have that curly chameleon tail :(
Ditto picked up a jackson from local petsmart, it looked a bit dehydrated and was in such a small tank, The leopard gecko had the biggest tank there and it was not even half the cham's size. So I tried to save it... alas the RI and not eating, or drinking and just slept 24/7 etc... had take it back before it became a money pit or died on my watch which would of broke my heart.

I got a jackson male from petsmart it was only 90 and about 5-7 months hmmm wonder why, take him home and he's sick with a rare skin disease and R.I. NEVER buy from petsmart. They need to be banished from selling animals like chams...LETS START AN UPRISING!
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