

Chameleon Queen
"It might also be possible that there are no males in that population and that they are parthenogenetic” — capable of producing babies from unfertilized eggs — “but that is very unlikely and would be the first case in chameleons.”...

"Apparently the only known parthenogenetic chameleon (KUHN & SCHMIDT 2003, citing NIETZKE 1998 as source; P. Kornacker, another co-author of Nietzke, says in a personal communication [8 Jul 2010] the source is Petzold 1982). Cuellar & Kluge 1972 cite Hall 1970 as source."...
I would not rule out parthenogenesis. However I think the opinion of the researchers is my choice number #1. That the males are just high in the canopy during that expedition. That is why that expedition had not found them yet. The topic of seasonal movements or habits of chameleons.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
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