Parrots (Pictures)


New Member
Does anyone have parrots? I have 5 as part of my mini menagerie. I just love my parrots, i couldnt be without them! Here are some pictures of them all for you!

My cockatiels first.

Sweet Pea to start. I've had her nearly 2 years, and she was about 9 weeks when i got her. My mum bought her for me. She was an aviary bred bird so very scared of people, but she has tamed down really well and now loves coming out and sitting on my shoulder, helping around the house and stuff!





This is James. He is incredibly bad tempered and aggressive. I got him as a companion for Sweet Pea about a year ago, he is about 3 years old. He had been used as a breeding bird in an aviary before i bought him so he is not used to being handled. He will tolerate me changing food/water bowls and cleaning the cage but will not be handled at all :rolleyes: He's taken some chunks out of my hands when i have had to hold him for vets and stuff! It may be a small beak but its bloomin' sharp!!!



Conures now!

This is CJ. He is about 18 months old and is a black capped conure. He was hand reared and is lovely, and VERY fiesty!!




more to come...!
Lola is a blue yellowsided mutation green cheeked conure. She was given up by her last owner cos they had to decorate the house...!! Madness. Poor baby cant fly because someone tried to clip her wings and mangled them. Im not sure she ever will fly. I have had her about 5 months, she is 9 months old and i am the 4th home she has had....






And lastly Ruby my black capped lory. She is my pride and joy, very long awaited and absolutely stunning! She was given to me by her breeder, i got her at about 8 weeks so i was able to finish off hand rearing her so she is SO tame now!





With Sweet Pea




Her amazing brush tongue


I'd love to see some more pics if anyone else has parrots!
I love them all, even the fiesty James.

My first ever pets were Cockatiels, Cleo who was stunning yellow and then we got a baby grey TinkerBell to be her friend (who turned out to be male) We couldnt change it when we realised because by then he would come to it and could say it!
I loved them to bits. more so Cleo as she was mine. She would follow me around the house, either on my shoulder or fly from perch to perch. She wasnt very chatty, she wouldnt sing but boy could she dance when you sang to her! :D TinkerBell would sing the tunes of a number of nursary rhymes and tv programmes.
TinkerBell was fearless, he was so tame and loved attention but something out of the blue would take over him and he would try and take a chunk out of a finger or two if they were too close. I learnt to read the signs pretty well and didnt have a problem with him.

My dad has just said he would love another bird/parrot... I will be reminding him of this often as i've always wanted another Cockatiel.

We've tried budgies but i wasnt too impressed and we had a pair of lovebirds, they were cute but the female became egg bound just weeks after us having them and the male got very depressed so we rehomed him with a lady that had a number of the birds :)
Awww Cleo and Tinkerbell sound lovely! :D

I had never been a big fan of tiels until i saw a lutino one in Pets at Home, by the time i finally decided to go ahead and buy him he had been sold :) Then my mum saw Sweet Pea in a pet shop and she had been veryy bullied by her cagemates so she took pity on her and bought her for me. I bought James as a companion for her but she hates him and wont have anything to do with him lol So he lives with the cockatiels and Sweet Pea lives with Ruby!

Budgies are one bird i dont think i could have! I used to do work for a parrot rescue so fostered huge macaws, cockatoos, african greys, amazons etc etc etc.. The worst bite i have ever had was from a budgie. The little bugger was like a pit bull, just grabbed hold and wouldnt let go. Never again!!!

I would definately recommend a conure, they are fantastic little birds :)
the Lory is absolutely stunning. Does it make as much noise as the conures? Had birds at one time. One Yellow Nape, one Orange Wing, one half moon and a variey of 'keets and finches. Had to give up my lovlies (big guys) when the Yellow Nape tried to take a chunk out of my son's finger. That was 20 yrs ago and I still miss her.
I would never keep an amazon as a pet, they are really popular over here but once the hormones hit in at the breeding season they are evil!! I stick to the more mellow birds lol

My birds are all pretty quiet, Ruby isnt too bad for a lory, they are known for being very loud. She does have an ear piercing shriek that is very unpleasant, but she doesnt do it very often. She has a huge vocabulary though and chats constantly, especially when im trying to watch TV! If i ignore her she will keep repeating "hello? hello? HELLOOOO?" until i answer her lol

But yeah, she is a LOT louder than the conures! I dont heard a sound from them.
LOL. yeah, thay can be evil and noisy as H3!! during breeding season. Still miss em though. The Yellow Nape was my personal guard dog -- even barked like one. She just got too jealous.

You have some very lovely feathered friends.:)
Lola looks like a lot of fun! I didn't realize Lories were so social.

I bet with patience, training and full feathers, Lola can learn to fly again. There is a Yahoo group that discusses this all the time. They're called Freeflight, or something.

A beautiful group you have there!
Those are some beautiful birds. Do they scream alot and always need to eat what you eat for dinner? Thats how mine is and i have a blue Indian Ring Neck bird.
Unfortunately it looks like Lolas wing has been so badly damaged that the feathers arent going to grow back. She had her big moult about a month ago and no new wing feathers have grown through on that wing so unfortunately i think she may never fly again :( But we never know what can happen in the future, i still have hope!!

Im lucky that mine dont scream a lot, but Ruby is terrible for helping herself to whatever im eating!! I have to put her in her cage when im eating otherwise she is in it and helping herself, as you can see from the drink pics lol
Unfortunately it looks like Lolas wing has been so badly damaged that the feathers arent going to grow back. She had her big moult about a month ago and no new wing feathers have grown through on that wing so unfortunately i think she may never fly again :( But we never know what can happen in the future, i still have hope!!

Im lucky that mine dont scream a lot, but Ruby is terrible for helping herself to whatever im eating!! I have to put her in her cage when im eating otherwise she is in it and helping herself, as you can see from the drink pics lol

Hope her wing gets better.

I hate when they watch eat and jump around in their cage and just scream for food. It drives me nuts! If you bring my birds cage by the garage, he shuts up because he knows its all dark and quite in there lol. But when never pt him inside
Parrots are social eaters. If you feed your bird first or allow your bird to eat with you he wont scream and behave like that. He's telling you "Hey, why didn't you tell me there is food here and why aren't you sharing?". They also forage for food, if you don't want him at your table he should have enough toys and a big enough cage so you can hide food in his cage or make a puzzle for him to get his food (I tape paper over dishes, hide food in plastic toys, string pasta over the bars, make kebobs on skewers that sway when they try to eat.
Birds can't eat what we do though so make sure you're giving him only raw or lightly cooked unseasoned fruits and vegetables. Cooked long grain rice, whole grain pasta, potato's (sweet are excellent), eggs, cooked beans, chicken and fish are fine in small quantities too. Ringnecks eat nectar and flowers as well as regular food so you can give him some sweet baby food too. You don't have to cook for them as they eat so little a pinch of everything will do them fine.
My birds diet, aside from the pellet seed mix which is always provided with a sprinkle of local bee pollen, looks like this on a typical day

Breakfast~ few flakes or O's of cereal and fresh sliced fruit piece
Lunch ~ thumbnail size piece of whole grain bread crust, dark salad greens, dark vegetable (like peppers)
Dinner ~ is a warm meal of Carbs, a small piece of meat, a dark steamed vegetable.

I just have one extra dish that I clean before each new meal.
All parrots enjoy juice, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla ice cream, yogurt or sorbet,a peanut butter ball, honey, and Agave nectar as a treat. Be careful with the treats or you'll have a fat parrot!
Avoid pits and seeds from fruit, chocolate, onions, white sugar and salt at all costs!
When we travel I make "meals" my pet sitter warms up daily and add dried fruit and treats to their daily mix to compensate.
Please stop with the garage threat. Caves are dark and scary places for anyone and the only reason he shuts up is because he's stressed. He's looking for an animal to attack him from the dark or you to freak out on him and move his house again. If you really need him to be quiet please use his cage cover to settle him down, it's nicer to send him to bed early than make him think he's prey.

I hope I helped you, I'd love to talk with you more about your bird :D
They're all so beautiful! I've been trying to get my cockatiel to eat veggies and fruit for a year now! He's such a stubborn bird, but I love him anyways. :)
Great pics and awesome birds!!!

I love birds and my house is VERY LOUD! I have a house full from tiny to big:D

Waffles- Hahns Macaw DNA'd boy. I got him when we was 12 wks old and he's 4yr now. Spoiled rotten too!!! I even have his portrait tattoo'd on my forearm:D

Coco- Blue and Gold Macaw age unknown. We rescued from petstore..her owner died and kids gave her to pet store. My hubby was pretty much the only one that could handle her within the year she'd been there. We traded snakes for her b/c we didn't have the money they wanted and I was getting out of breeding snakes. It took a couple of months for them to agree on the trade and as soon as we got a "yes" I packed up and hit the road.

Blueberry- Blue Quaker DNA'd girl. I got when she was 4 months old and she's 5 1/2 yrs old. Once she hit 2, she decided no one can touch her unless she flies away from her cage...cage aggressive and known as the "evil booo chicken" as she says...hahaha. She comes out to play on her play gym but don't try to touch her.

Gidge and Squirt- peachfaced lovebirds, hatched here and handfed....the parents along with 12 others were rescues from Katrina that I ended up with. I found homes for them.

Have 2 pairs of Pacific Parrotlet breeders, females green & males blue. One pair sitting on babies right now that I have to pull this Saturday for handfeeding.

I also have a red factor canary named Dip. 2 rescued parakeets, 2 daimond doves and one bronze wing finch that shares the huge flight cage with the doves.

Here's some pics I got off facebook and photobucket:D the baby parrotlet was 2 days old in the pic.





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I had a blue & gold macaw for 7 yrs. Unfortunately my ex wasnt as in love w him as i was. Dumbest move ever giving him up. I hand raised him from 2 months old. He was so tame. Your right about those little birds bite. The worst bite i ever got was from a small ringneck. My macaw almost nver bit and never hard. He loved to play with hair! He would make a nest in your hair while we watched tv. Oh, and he loved his occasional treat of ice cream on weekends. He would flip if he saw us eating a cone.
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