Papaya seeds for chameleon gut health/parasite treatment?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Apparently papaya seeds kill intestinal worms and amoeba in humans, and have been used successfully to help treat people with little to no side effects. What do you guys think about them being used for chameleons as a possible treatment or just as a healthy preventative measure? They could be ground up and sprinkled on feeders. My concern would be that they're peppery and I don't know if chameleons would be bothered by that or not.
the seeds contain high levels of proteolytic enzymes like papain which can help rid your body of parasites. In the same way that papain breaks down protein waste, it may also break down parasites and their eggs.
Good levels of digestive enzymes in the diet are also believed to help normalize the environment in your intestinal tract, making it less hospitable to worms and other parasites.
The seeds from papaya also contain a unique anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine that has been shown to be very effective at killing parasitic worms and amoebas.
Maybe gutload the ground up powder with the feeders then feed them to the cham will be an idea to explore....
Apparently papaya seeds kill intestinal worms and amoeba in humans, and have been used successfully to help treat people with little to no side effects. What do you guys think about them being used for chameleons as a possible treatment or just as a healthy preventative measure? They could be ground up and sprinkled on feeders. My concern would be that they're peppery and I don't know if chameleons would be bothered by that or not.
I have papaya seeds right now and kinda tempted to grind it up and see if Larry will take it

Definitely gutload ourself first so we can be the witness of the benefits with the papaya fruit.
To be sold nation wide super market near you....
If u dislike the taste there are supplements in the pill form but I wouldn't take it during Pregnancy and breast-feeding, Papaya is POSSIBLY UNSAFE
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