Panther sleep schedule?


New Member
My panther seems to go to his sleeping spot early. The lights shut off in his cage at 8:00 and he is usually in his sleeping spot by 6:30 -7:00. Is this normal?? Hes not depressed or anything crazy is he?
Is it dark in your house? Sometime when they think it's getting dark they will be ready to go to bed early.
No not at all. His cage is in the living room. The tv and lights are on. He just goes to his spot in the middle of his ficus tree and balls up. He sometimes keeps his eyes open for a while but usually is asleep by 7:00 or so.
What time does his lights come on in the morning? As long as he's not sleeping during the day. I don't think it's anything other than being ready to go to bed.
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