Panther chameleon not well


New Member

I have a three year old female Panther chameleon, she has never previously laid any eggs. However about 2-3 weeks ago she became very lethargic and appeared to struggle climbing her vines etc as such I took her to the vet this week.

The vet initially thought it could be MBD and carried out an x Ray which showed her bones were perfect and there was something in her abdomen. The vet then sent the results to a specialist who said there were four eggs approx 4mm long inside her and advised that I put a laying box in her viv which I have done.

However after she eventually made her way down to the box she did not dig and seems to be weaker and is now unable to climb to her basking spot or dripper.

I left her for 48 hours and she did not move from this spot.

Does anybody have any advice as to what I can do to help her, the specialist was unable to say how long the eggs had been there but I am guessing it's been too long which is causing her to loose strength etc.

I dust her food daily with calcium and use D3 and multivitamins twice a month, she has a heat lamp and two 5.0 UVB bulbs in her viv with the basking spot at around 86. However it is a lot cooler at the bottom where she seems to get stuck after climbing or falling down.

Any suggestions?
Thanks for your reply, I am not at home just now and don't have a recent pic to post. She doesn't appear any different from usual and I haven't noticed any obvious changes apart from her lack of strength.

I will post a pick when I get a new one, thanks again

Let me know if that pic works
That was taken about five mins ago when I picked her off the bottom of the viv and set her under her heat lamp
She looks just like mine that I have concerns about. I am filling out the health form for the admin. but I can't figure out how to post my pictures. The directions in here haven't worked for my Chromebook.
Thanks for your help, I am going to phone the vet back tomorrow to see if he can give her an injection to stimulate her to lay the eggs as I am not convinced she will be able to do this on her own due to lack of strength etc

Again today when I have returned from work she is lying at the bottom of her viv on the laying bin with no signs of digging and she is too weak to climb up to her basking spot, she was very cold and as such I have lifted her up and helped her to bask and I will see if she will take any food and mist her again to avoid dehydration.
Yes, I have experienced this several times with female panthers. Not to overly alarm you but the sooner the better with the treatment. I waited several days with one female and she did lay and live a long life but never was 100% again. She was always much more sluggish.
Thank you so much your experience and advice is invaluable to me as there is a huge lack of specalist vets here for me to speak to. I will arrange for her to go the vet ASAP and have the injection to rush things along as I would hate to loose her or for her to suffer.
Ok, so I took Daisy back to the vet today he said that the eggs are not formed enough to give her an injection of oxytocin. I asked what he recommended and he said to leave her be unless she goes off her food, and if this happens she would need surgery.

He said there are four eggs in the early stages of formation and they are approximately 4mm long, is this normal?

Does anybody have any suggestions as to how to deal with this, she is very weak and I am having to lift her up to her basking spot daily.

I am giving her liquid calcium daily along with critical care formula and misting her.

She occasionally has a mouth full of worms but is not eating her locusts anymore at all?

How long should I leave her like this and how long will it take for her to ready to lay the eggs, she has never been introduced to a male and the eggs will be unfertilised.

Please help :(
Please only post one thread about one chameleon issue. It makes it hard for us to follow if you post more than one thread about the same issue.
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