Panther Chameleon noses?


New Member
Some male panthers have really prominent ummm... nose formations? What are those called? It seems like some males have longer noses than others. Do they grow with age, or is it genetic, or does it just depend on each chameleon? Do females have them too?
Age affects them too. Very old males sometimes seem to change in that area of the face.

Also, Wild chameleons seem to have a much more defined rostral process, which I assume has to do with health and development differences from diet and UV exposure.
chams in the wild form more robust than sheltered chams from constant exposure to the elements in much the same way most people in the ghetto are jacked and most rich people are fat...bad analogy but it works ;)
Haha, well hopefully wild chameleons have a resistance to wind and rain and extreme temps and other chameleons, rather than black tar heroin and crack and meth.
From what I have seen there are differences in the width of the noses of different species as well as differences in the proturbances. In some species the proturbances have a "nick" in the end and others don't.
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