Outside time?


Hi, so i'm wondering are the health benefits of taking your cham outside enough to outweigh any stress caused?

I suppose this question depends on the cham itself but i have a quite scared and timid cham and not sure if i should risk it!

Hi, so i'm wondering are the health benefits of taking your cham outside enough to outweigh any stress caused?

I suppose this question depends on the cham itself but i have a quite scared and timid cham and not sure if i should risk it!


My panther does not enjoy going outside. I still take him out anyway as I think that the benefits of the sunshine outweight his nervousness.
My panther was nervous until I got him some blue bottle flies and put them in his out door cage-(which is just a zippered hamper I got for 15 dollars on amazon) I hung a couple of vines in it (fake) and let loose about 15 flies and put him in -
He's been way friendlier since I started doing it - makes cage cleaning and even morning feeding cup filling much easier as he doesn't run and hide from me when I put it in any more.
The natural sunlight is extremely beneficial for them, and is a fantastic thing to expose them to whenever possible.

Adding lots of foliage to the cage can help your chameleon feel more secure. Makes it harder to see them, but that's kind of the point. :) Helps to add shade as well, which makes it easier for your cham to thermoregulate while outside.

My little guy has this. Its a pop up enclosure which is brilliant as we don't have much Chameleon weather in the UK. Pops up, peg it down, zip in the front so i can go in or throw food in. Then bring him in and the whole things folds down, brilliant. Fakes plants etc can have their stem slotted though the net and then the suction cup connects outside the net to hold it in place this enables him to hide in the shade should he need to.
He loves it outside, but he does get a bit grumpy when i go in there to get him, hes nothing like that when hes indoors.


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My little guy has this. Its a pop up enclosure which is brilliant as we don't have much Chameleon weather in the UK. Pops up, peg it down, zip in the front so i can go in or throw food in. Then bring him in and the whole things folds down, brilliant. Fakes plants etc can have their stem slotted though the net and then the suction cup connects outside the net to hold it in place this enables him to hide in the shade should he need to.
He loves it outside, but he does get a bit grumpy when i go in there to get him, hes nothing like that when hes indoors.

That looks great, is it possible to see a pic of the whole thing? And where did you get it? I agree with the UK weather to, however this summer hasn't been too bad!
That looks great, is it possible to see a pic of the whole thing? And where did you get it? I agree with the UK weather to, however this summer hasn't been too bad!

I'm in the NE Scothand and we have had great weather this summer. Popeye wasn't to happy going out to begin with and stayed on the bottom of the viv. Now he climbs up the plant he has in there and seeks out his little dripper which I fill with hot water. He is scared of birds flying over.
Hi here is a pic of the large pop up, its about 6ft tall. A bit to big me thinks and needs a lot more in it than my picture shows i.e plenty of shady places, but i also have a smaller one which is about 4 - 4 1/2 ft tall which is much better and that's the one ive been using this year, he cant escape nor can the locusts. When hes in there he walks about in the grass, on his plant on the sides.
I sell them if you are interested just email me.
Im guessing that's Kate who emailed me the pic of the very handsome Popeye, we're still working hard on the website


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Hi here is a pic of the large pop up, its about 6ft tall. A bit to big me thinks and needs a lot more in it than my picture shows i.e plenty of shady places, but i also have a smaller one which is about 4 - 4 1/2 ft tall which is much better and that's the one ive been using this year, he cant escape nor can the locusts. When hes in there he walks about in the grass, on his plant on the sides.
I sell them if you are interested just email me.
Im guessing that's Kate who emailed me the pic of the very handsome Popeye, we're still working hard on the website

Did I?:):):):)
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