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hey i want my chams cage to look nice and thought about it.......:rolleyes:i think a orchid would look nice :D and would like to know who has had sucess in keeping one in a chams cage? how to care for it? and how long do they live?
thanks alot:D:D:D
I think it would depend on the type of orchid you get, because a lot of orchids are sensitive to over watering so I can see a misting routine being a problem. They would look very nice though in a terrarium if you could control the moisture on the plant.
yea I don't think an orchid would survive the mistings... the orchids I have require water every 10 days, and supposed to let them dry in between waterings. I think too much water would kill them =\
you could position the orchid tactically so it wouldnt get much water
but idk most orchids dont do well in water.... i live in the desert and orchids grow well as an indoor plant
Orchids are a tropical plant that prefer to be grown on bark of trees but rOot rot and leave fungus can occur if over watered.
Orchids are used a lot in frog vivs. Josh at joshsfrogs.com grows a few different ones and I bet he has videos and care sheets for them. The ones available on his page must be able to withstand quite a bit of water because dart frogs must be kept at very high humidity levels.
Not to disagree but I have orchids in several Cham cages. You need to make sure they are in soil that is about 3/4 pea gravel. That will allow the water to drain and they love the warm, humid, light environment. I have a few that grow better in chan cages that on my plant stands.
Not to disagree but I have orchids in several Cham cages. You need to make sure they are in soil that is about 3/4 pea gravel. That will allow the water to drain and they love the warm, humid, light environment. I have a few that grow better in chan cages that on my plant stands.

Really Laurie? I may have to try repotting mine! I have them all in the same little pots & soil they came in. What kind of orchids do you have? Does it make a difference?
I'm going to have to disagree to a point as well. Orchids LOVE misting. In fact, ideally an orchid should not be watered, but misted all of the time. I mist mine nearly daily.

DO NOT "POT" ORCHIDS! Orchids are not like other plants, they do not grow IN soil. They grow on soil. If you're not sure how to re"pot" orchids look it up, if you cover the roots they will die of starvation and suffocation. In fact you can attach orchids to a piece of wood or thick bark gently with wire using moss ( the same kind you can get for rep. cages ) as "padding" and they will grow wonderfully like that. Orchids naturally grow on trees, often in the crook where branches separate in rainforests. They absorb their water and food through their roots, and in the wild are fertilized by the ran running down the tree that contains natural "fertilizers" often from other animals in the trees.

Orchids will rebloom, most people toss them after the blooms are gone, it's very sad... reblooming depends on the type of orchid you have, some come into bloom easily, but only bloom every 2 years or so, others take more convincing ( significant temp and light drops ) but bloom more often, up to twice a year.

Honestly, orchids would probably thrive wonderfully in a cham enclosure, semi-warm, wet, tree dwelling, rainforest living... Hmmm sound familiar? LOL
I have used Dendrobium orchids for over 10 years in my outdoor cages and thrive very well. They do well with frequent mistings. I have to thin them out every year as they grow extremely well.
They will grow in indoor cages, but not as well as them being outside. I have noticed that if the UV bulb is old, they will show signs of stress and will need to be put outside to perk back up.
at one time I was more addicted to orchids than chameleons. :D I have a lot indoors. I usually throw them under a T5 if I need to give them a little extra light.
ok i got my orchid today going to put it in bark chips and big river stones over it. my mom got it from the flower mart in downtown la. do you think they have pesticide on them?
thanks ill post pics soon
ya im going to get the bark 2marro put the roots a little bit in the in the bark most out and put big stones and let the roots all out between the stones
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