Not going to his sleeping spot before lights go out

So for the last few nights my chameleon hasn’t been going to his sleeping spot like he usually did about 45-30 minutes before his lights go out and I’m not sure if I should be concerned. I’m pretty sure he’s not sleeping during the day I see him climbing around his cage and enjoying his basking branch after he eats. It started since he started shedding like 5 days ago. He didn’t want to go to sleep idk if he just couldn’t get to his spot because I needed to redo his cage set up which was a few days before he started shedding. But there are branches in there that he can use so idk. And tonight I found him not curled up like he should be. And this was taken 2 hours after his lights tuned off and as I’m typing this right now he finally curled up. Does anyone know what could be the cause of this. His husbandry has been the same since I got him and he hasn’t done this before.
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If you rearranged his cage that could be the reason.
If there are lights on in the room that might be the reason.
Anything else changed?
Yeah I think that would be the reason because maybe he’s having trouble figuring out the best way to get to his spot. Also over my winter break I’ve started feeding him later in the day because I slept in but my break ends tomorrow so I’ll be up and able to feed him sooner maybe that might also be part of the reason too but maybe not I’m no sure.
As long as he's otherwise healthy, I'll echo @kinyonga and suggest that the changes in his cage as well as changes in his schedule recently that could have thrown him off a bit. Did it happen again last night?
As long as he's otherwise healthy, I'll echo @kinyonga and suggest that the changes in his cage as well as changes in his schedule recently that could have thrown him off a bit. Did it happen again last night?
Yeah he wasn’t waiting for lights out in one of his sleeping spots. He still went to sleep when the lights went out but he didn’t get ready beforehand so I’m not sure. Overall he seems healthy tho, he shedded on time, is poop is fine, he has an appetite, crawls around his cage. I think it might just be the set up change that threw him off.
This is just a guess.... But if he started doing it whenever he was shedding maybe he was unconfortabe. Shedding can be very uncomfortable for chams. Therefore, he had a hard time winding down? Is he still shedding?
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