Non receptive colors are showed ever or only if the female is fertilized?


Hi to all i want to ask to experts if Non receptive colors are showed ever or only if the female is fertilized?
Is this right or not?
I mean usually female shows receptive colors and after is fertilized she shows nonreceptive colors that are darkgreen with large yellow points. But the non receptive are showed ONLY if the female is fertilized? Or not?
Or are showed ever even if the female is not fertilized?
I'm a little bit confused. Hope you understand my questions and give me an answer.
I ask this because my female laid her first 49eggs after i introducing the male in her cage but "i don't caught they in the act". So i want to understand if the eggs are fertile or not.
I put all 49eggs in one incubator and now are two months old. I think that if the eggs are bad start to go bad faster than two months. Am i right?
Please share you knowledge.
If the eggs are still good then they are fertilized. If she is showing non receptive colors then she is going for a retained clutch. Female chameleons tend retain sperm for many clutches. Sounds like she is getting ready to lay some more eggs. How long did it take for her to lay after you introduced her to the male?
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