Newbie Intro and Question


New Member
We are new Jackson owners. Still fascinated by the little guy and enjoy watching him. When we let him out of the cage he climbs our arms, ears, heads... He stays green the entire time. As soon as we put him back in his cage, he starts turning speckled black. Other times we can just be watching him in the cage and he'll turn black, but is always green out of the cage. Is this typical behavior? Any reason to be concerned?
Welcome to the Forums!

People tend to associate bright green coloration with happiness, but in some chameleons it can be more of a stress or high alert indication.

Can you post a picture of your enclosure please? Also, could you fill out the form "how to ask for help" form? I am attaching the link. It will just give us details about your husbandry and a better overall picture of the situation.

I would love to see some pictures of your chameleons as well!!!
Welcome to the forums. Normally they are much happier out of the cage and that's probably why he brightens up.
Poor little guy. It is sad that he is so stressed,

usually once he is out his color get better but not all the time he tries to stretch to his cage. any ideas on how to make his transition better when getting him out? Any advice would be great
I will work on answering the questions in the link, but here is his cage and a photo of Pico.
(If I know how to do this correctly.)


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