
If I were you I would look through the galleries on this site and see how everyone else's cage setups look like. I build mine then saw all the cool ones other people have made and got tons of new ideas and now I am remaking my cage. Plus if you got a baby it might need a smaller cage for a few months but it will grow fast and need a bigger cage so keep that in mind when you buy all the stuff for your tank. Start off sweet and simple and find what works best then build a really nice set-up later when your little guy needs a bigger cage and make it pretty. I have had 2 Chams and they couldn't have been more different as far as personality goes. So you really need to find out what works best for you. For example Misting system (how are you going to mist), amount of lighting (because of the plants one of my cages always seemed darker than the other), positioning of branches and feeder bowls, and drainage of the mist water. I have played with all of these things for endless hours trying to find the best approach.
I was looking throuhg the galleries ealier, but nothing caught my eye... they all look like the basics lol.. but then again theres only so much you can do with the cages.:) What is the best type of veggie or fruit to give a baby? or should I wait a few months to let him settle and get to know his surroundings?
Neither one of mine ate veggies or fruit till they were several months old. And still they wont eat it from the dish, they only just started eating the plants in their cage. I will keep trying different things but I have heard that baby food is good and things like Collard Greens and Bananas. But maybe someone else on here with more experience in that is better qualified to answer that question.
Woah, that's pretty cool. I love how theres so many differant colors involved with that set-up. But for now my chameleon only gets lighting and a living ficus to start out till he gets a little older hes just a little guy. When I get him I will post pictures for everyone to take a look at him! :D
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