New Veiled, not pooping...


Hey all so I havent seen my cham drink so I cant tel if hes dehydrated because I also havent seen him poop. Any and all help would be a great relief, thanks.

Your Chameleon - veiled, female, not sure on age, ive had her since saturday (three days)
Handling - today was the most because it was also first day she didnt hiss or puff up (ive been hand feeding her to get her used to me a bit) also tried shallow bath and such so she was in and out a bit today
Feeding - heres schedule (give or take a few crickets) gut loaded them. Saturday-10-12 med crickets-dusted
Sunday-4-8 med/large crickets and 2 super worms, added water to worms
Monday-2 super worms 3 large crickets-dusted, injected worms w/ water
Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Watering - Has a constant drip bottle on top, mist cage 2-3 times a day (since i havent seen her drink or poop in order to see urates I played it safe and inejcted worms w some aqua)
Fecal Description - havent seen poops yet, has ver appt on thurs as a wellness and since shes new just want to start off on right foot, ive had many repriles but no chams.
History - pet store cham kept in cage w two others, typical setup (fairly good for a pet store, worlds better than a petco but still as we all know, not as great a home as it should be)

Cage Info:
Cage Type - reptibreeze 16x16x20 (i have a 24x24x48 also just so I can have it when she gets bigger, or I feel she needs a bigger one, thats already on standby in closet) screen. Repticarpet as flooring
Lighting - flukers 25 watt (had 75 but was a bit too hot, put 75 back jn and placed over lower area so she wasnt so close to bulb) 15 watt tropical UVB t-8 bulb
Temperature - Floor is 72-75 basking is 85ish (maybe a touch high for her age which im unsure of) Lowest temp at night is 65 have temp/humidty digital meter.
Humidity - is 60% now at night a low of 50% high of 80%, mist and added a cool mist humidifier but was cumbersome next to cage so turned off and prob wont use it since misting keeps humidity in good range.
Plants - Yes a pothos and an anthurium, also some fake plastics.
Placement - cage is in bedroom, near my door has a fan in room also a small clip fan near it if I feel cage is getting too hot or just to move some air for her. aftwr building a shlelf the top of her cage is 5 1/2' off floor
Location - long island, New York


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Welcome to the forums. I keep veileds and they are awesome chameleons and very rewarding to work with. Your girl needs a bigger cage right now with a laying bin in it. Girls lay eggs even without a male being around. Since she was kept with other chams at the pet store her eggs may be fertile.

I would give her a nice LONG warm misting for the constipation. If that doesn't work hornworms usually make my chams go. Fruits usually help too.

Also what supplements do you have? She will need calcium without D3 at just about every feeding, calcium with D3 twice a month and a multivitamin twice a month. I'm linking a few blogs for you below about general keeping, keeping females, egg laying and how to make a laying bin.
Thank you

I really appreciate response, her dusting powder now is rep-cal ultrafine calcium w D3. STV length shes maybe 3-4" (not sure if you know what age that would be) also the chams in cage w her one was a female other was unknown but both were STV 2-3" at best. But looks like ill be setting that 4' cage up now. Also placed order earlier for some hornworms, dubia's and crickets. Ill lay a pan of play sand and such for her in case she needs to lay. Also any risk of her ingesting the sand!? Thanks a ton

Edit:nvm on sand just saw video (what a cool video btw) will setup her bigger cage tomorrow and get her a laying bin. Cheers
Just ordered a mistking, her multivits and plain ol Cal (too bad ai tossed my lights and supps when my Iggy passed) o-well, the wonderful world of rep caring!!! Also assembled the XL screen cage and got a ton of live plants vines etc...hopefully mistking will entice her to drink, she prob drinks as soon as I leave room, need to set up a camera to catch this sneaky bugger:D
Is that an Anthurium plant? They are toxic. Veileds are notorious for eating any green plants.

It is, theres no chomp marks but shes being moved to a 2x2x4' cage now and that WONT be in it. Ordered trees and plants and such from LLL. Shame I love look of the plant and cham climbs on it a ton, o-well not worth the chance of her eating it...oh btw WE HAVE POOPS WITH WHITE URATES!!!!!! Wooo:D:D

Awesome! Good news about the poop! :D She is super cute! BTW, a good place for inexpensive plants is Home Depot and Lowes. I picked up Leo's yesterday. They are rinsed out and waiting the three day period to rid of chemicals.
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