New veiled, need help/tips


New Member
Goodday iam micheal from the netherlands (holland) and i have a new veiled chammy, hes about 4-5 months old, hes got a nice cage and UV light and a basking spot with about 32 degrees celcius underneat it and around 22 on the bottom of the cage, he eats well out of my hand and drinks from a pipet, he isnt shy either, i spray twice a day and i give him vitamins and calcium and i gutload the crickest with apple at the moment. Now my problem is:
When hes in his cage hes always dark colored and not greenish (see pic's), when i open the door and i hold my hand he sometimes comes to me and climbs on me by itself, almost driectly he changes colors to green and yellow bands and here and there a ligh green spot like he supposed to be, can any1 give me tips on why hes this colored and if its normal for a Veiled that age? On the first pic hes basking under the spotlight.
On the last picture u see his colors when he gets out of his cage and after a minute hes even a bit brighter..
Also what do u think about his looks...healthwise? (sorry for bad spelling and such iam from holland)



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I think he looks big cuz u cant compare him to something on the pic's but measured he is 27-30 cm from head to tail... ill make a pic tomorrow (its almost 3 am here) when hes on my hand next to a pen or something. An the breeder said hes from early may.
I think your chameleon looks good. You said "i gutload the crickets with apple at the moment". You may want to think about offering them more of a variety. Their are a bunch of recipes of gutloads out their. Mostly I always feed them a fresh green veggie and carrots, and offer a dry mix a few hours prior to them being eaten. Here are some gutload links:
Hope this helps :)
well when your chameleon is a dark brown color, is he under is basking light? he could be absorbing the heat because he is cold. veileds do bask alot. i think i would try to mist more so that you can keep the humidity up. anyways i think he looks good, and agree that he is older than 4 to 5 months. i would take a guest a few months older. possible 6 to 7 months. he looks the same as mine and thats how old mine is. anyways good luck
thanks for the info, ill go have a talk with the breeder cuz if more people say hes older i wanna know if he is. Its important to know how old he is exactly for certain things like behaviour.
Here is a new pic of him sleeping few days ago, hes finnally in his "relaxmode" colors since a few days and hes doin good.
btw...when are they fully grown? around 12 months?
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